Gerhild Steinbuch, Nach dem glücklichen Tag (2004), play, directed by Matthias Fontheim, mit Natascha Shah, Probebühne, Graz, 2004, photo: Peter Manninger
Ökonomie: There Must Be an Alternative, exhibition view, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, 2004, photo: Multimediale Sammlungen / N. Lackner
Third Places: Fußball, Video-Games und Musik-Clips in Graz West, project view, ASKÖ Stadion Graz-Eggenberg, 2004, photo: A. T. Schaefer
Kathrin Röggla, junk space (2004), play, directed by Tina Lanik, with Christoph Rath and Joanna Kitzl, Kristallwerk, Graz, 2004, photo: Peter Manninger
Wolfgang Bauer, Foyer (2004), play, directed by Monika Klengel and Pia Hierzegger, with Lorenz Kabas and Rupert M. Lehofer, Helmut List Halle, Graz, 2004, photo: A.T. Schaefer
steirischer herbst ’04
… There’s always a crisis …
Peter Oswald
Festival dates
Curatorial team
Assistant to Director, Literature: Sabine Achleitner
Chief Dramaturge: Wolfgang Hofer
“Crisis, then, is a productive mission for steirischer herbst. For one thing because it happens as a process that often eludes planning and rational control. Crisis is unpredictable, full of tension, and elementary importance above all with regard to advanced new artistic production. Crisis is anticyclical, but also a chronic condition. Crisis is a consciousness, a reflection on difficulties, and—to paraphrase Hegel—also requires a specific consciousness.
To avoid misunderstandings right from the start, if steirischer herbst is presenting crisis as the motto of its 2004 programme, this by no means implies that the festival is in a state of crisis. Rather, it is constantly confronted with critical scenarios. The explorative festival focuses on positions in art that consciously reflects on social change and its crisis.
It deals more intimately, the, with projects that set out to form a phalanx of aesthetic and political crises in the form of premières and first-time presentations.”
“Today, crisis is more than and different to choice and decision (which is difficult not only in elections). As always in advanced art production, crisis is a productive and indispensable category. For the key questions concerning the future of society arise in our awareness of crisis.”
—Peter Oswald (original booklet translation)
The title of the steirischer herbst of 2004 was ... Krise ist immer ... (Crisis Is a Constant), although Peter Oswald emphasized in the foreword to the program booklet that what this intended to signify was not that the festival was in a crisis, but rather that it continued to investigate crisis scenarios. “As a festival that explores the present time, it examines positions that reflect the changes in society and its crises.”
The Graz Theater im Bahnhof staged Wolfgang Bauer’s Foyer, a work in which a seventy-year-old comes to the premiere of his play at the Helmut List Halle and becomes entangled in a theatrical maelstrom of riotously turbulent incidents. Other premieres were ... ce qui arrive ... (... What Happens ...) by Olga Neuwirth, after a story by Paul Auster, and junk space by Kathrin Röggla, which deals with fears and coming to terms with them.
At the Forum Stadtpark, Oliver Ressler curated an exhibition with a lecture and roundtable discussion on the topic of economics, with the suggestive subtitle: There Must Be an Alternative. The photo exhibition Bleiben oder Gehen (Stay or Go) at Camera Austria was dedicated to the topic of migration (curators: Christine Frisinghelli and Sandra Križić Roban), and the Neue Galerie presented Peter Weibel—das offene werk 1964–1979 (Peter Weibel—The Open Work, 1964–1979; curators: Günther Holler-Schuster and Peter Peer), which traced the work of the artist and curator as a “pioneer of participatory practices, open processes, and interactivity in his early years” (program booklet).
Moreover, on the occasion of the European Football Championship, there was the extensive project Third Places: Fußball, Video-Games und Musik-Clips in Graz West (Third Places: Soccer, Video Games, and Music Clips in Graz West), and the exhibition Bewegliche Teile—Formen des Kinetischen (Moving Parts—Forms of the Kinetic), in collaboration with the Museum Tinguely, Basel, at the Kunsthaus Graz. The opening was held at the Helmut List Halle, with Doron Rabinovici as speaker, a reading performance by Christian Uetz, a concert by HerrGross & das MutterOrchester, and a film screening with live soundtracks by Cameron Jamie and Keiji Haino.
Scenic Art
Visual Art
Bleiben oder gehen / Staying or leaving
68 - künstler.legenden.fotografien
Große Spirale / Hommage to New York
(Inter)nationale Positionen der Skulptur
Ein repräsentativer Querschnitt durch sein Schaffen
Polenta magenta - Die Kukuruz-Tangente
Antechamber - vor der Scheidung
Gelungene und weniger gelungene Tage
Minimundus - historische elektronische Werke im Kleinformat
medienturm: art & theory transfer
Übertragung - transfer/ence: Buchpräsentation und Diskussionen
Discursive Program
Präsentation außervisuell wahrnehmbarer Skulpturen
Malerei anders. Keine schiachen Bilder
Queens - nachzeigen und stimmen zeichnen
Knödel, Krise, Kukuruz ... Wirtshaus Mureck
herbst on tour
Festival opening
7.10., 19:00
Opening with Doron Rabinovici (Opening Speech)
Christian Uetz (Reading Performance)
HerrGross & das MutterOrchester (Concert)
Cameron Jamie, Keiji Haino (Film Screening and Live Soundtrack)
Camera Austria
Dom im Berg
ESC im labor
Filmzentrum im Rechbauerkino
Firma Innerhofer, Brunico/Bruneck, Autorimessa Trentino Trasporti, Trento/Trient
Forum Stadtpark
Galerie & Edition Artelier
Galerie Bleich-Rossi
Galerie CC
Galerie Centrum
Galerie Eugen Lendl
Galerie Kunst & Handel
Galerie Kunsthaus muerz, Mürzzuschlag
Galerie Schafschetzy
Gasthof Holzer, Neuberg/Mürz, Kunsthaus Mürzzuschlag
Grazer Kunstverein
Grazer Stadtraum, Immorent-Park, Puntigam
IEM Cube
Innovationspark Graz
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum House, Buschenschank Kolleritsch, Mureck, Gasthaus Derwaritsch, Mureck, Gasthaus Erika, Mureck
Kulturstadl Rachau
Kulturzentrum Weberhaus
Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten
Kunsthaus Graz
Kunsthaus Graz / Space 04
Kunsthaus Mürzzuschlag
Kunstmagazin Hell
Landesmuseum Joanneum
Literaturhaus Graz
Minoriten-Galerien Graz
Minoriten-Galerien im Priesterseminar
Museum Stift Admont
Museum der Wahrnehmung
Neue Galerie Graz
Neue Galerie/Studio Graz
Non-Stop-Kino, Graz
Non-Stop-Kino, Graz, Pädagogische Akademie, ASKÖ Stadion
Palais Attems
Pavelhaus / Pavlova hisa
Scher-Halle der Böhler Bleche GmbH, Zimmerei Reinbacher, Mürzzuschlag, Auwehr, Mürzzuschlag
Veranstaltungszentrum Judenburg
Werkstadt Graz
Workshop Graz
k3, Pischelsdorf, Aula Universität Klagenfurt/Celovec, MAK-Säulenhalle, Wien, Vorraum, Kulm bei Weiz, Palais Attems
tazl. klassische moderne & aktuelle kunst
Österreichischer Skulpturenpark, Unterpremstätten
Program booklet of steirischer herbst 2004: steirischer herbst Veranstaltungs GmbH, steirisc[:her:]bst (Graz: 2004)
→ Hier erhältlich
Doris Rothauer (Ed.), Third Places, Fußball, Videospiele, Musikvideos in Graz-West (Frankfurt am Main: Revolver, Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, 2004)
→ Available here