Third Places
Fußball, Video-Games und Musik-Clips in Graz West
Multimedia project, Discussion, Workshop / Animation, Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention

Visiting Third Places, Parcours 10., 16. und 23.10.2004
Non-Stop-Kino, Graz, Pädagogische Akademie, ASKÖ Stadion
Production specifics
Kooperationsprojekt Kunst auf Zeit 2004 ALLOVER
Koproduktion steirischer herbst mit Steirischer Fußballverband, Pädagogische Akademie der Diözese Graz Eggenberg, FH Joanneum, IEM Graz, Lotek64, skill3D, Schloßpark Eybesfeld
Das Projekt ist Teil des Stadtentwicklungsprogrammes Urban_Link Graz West mit dem Europäischen Fondsfür regionale Entwicklung EFRE
As opposed to the ”first place”, the home, and the ”second place”, the place of work, third places describe semi-public spaces that assume important social functions for society above and beyond their inherent tasks, similar to the mediaeval marketplace – ”homes away from home”, for example leisure parks and wellness centres, sports facilities, shopping malls, Internet cafes, etc. Among critics, the concept of third places is a concomitant of the intellectual demise of society in a consumption-oriented event and fun culture, a development to which art and culture providers are increasingly becoming exposed.
As a contribution to this debate, and on the basis of the subjects chosen for 2004 – football, games and music clips – the Third Places programme feature undertakes a critical examination – both in terms of space and content – of places and areas of a visual and media-based everyday culture connected to the third places, places located at the interface of elitist high and popular event culture, mass and insider phenomena, entertainment value and creative added cultural value.
Konzept / Idee: Doris Rothauer
Kuratorin / Kurator: Christian Höller
Kuratorin / Kurator: Michael Schuster
Kuratorin / Kurator: Cosima Rainer
Kuratorin / Kurator: Constantin Luser
Kuratorin / Kurator: crew8020