Lisa D.
Global Concern
Präsentation und Expansion einer Firma der Dry Clean Show von Lisa D. in der Musik von zeitkratzer
Abroad, Performance, Out of Graz

Firma Innerhofer, Brunico/Bruneck, Autorimessa Trentino Trasporti, Trento/Trient
Production specifics
Koproduktion Dry Clean Show, steirischer herbst und Graz 2003 - Kulturhauptstadt Europas
Global Concern is a presentation by a new fashion label of the same name, co-founded by Berlin-based fashion designer Lisa D. and the new music collaborative zeitkratzer. Committed to a belief in the capacity of a benevolent capitalism to finally work for the benefit of everyone, Global Concern targets an avant garde market of concerned consumers who are aware of some of the worrisome divides, still existing on this planet, and want to do something about them.
Presentation and expansion of a company out of the Dry Clean Show project.
Konzept / Idee: Lisa D.
Kostüme: Lisa D.
Musik: Reinhold Friedl
Lichtregie: Andreas Harder, David Motz
Mitwirkende: Wilfried Prantner, Anna Peppler, Thorsten Giese, Barbara Brigitte Mak
Video: Sandra Krieger, Dominik Busch
Mitarbeit: Amelie Blendl