steirischer herbst ’07
Close Enough—Too Much and Too Little in Everyday Life, Geo-Politics and Aesthetics

Veronica Kaup-Hasler

Festival dates

Curatorial team
Chief Dramaturge & Curator: Florian Malzacher

Dramaturge: Kira Kirsch

Curator Visual Arts: Reinhard Braun

Artistic Assistance: Gerda Strobl

Advisory Board: Sergej Goran Pristaš, Hannah Hurtzig, Gesa Ziemer , Georg Schöllhammer, Berno Odo Polzer

“‘Close enough’—describes a dynamic state, a moment in time: Being close enough —that is yearning, movement towards and away from each other. In love, in all relationships: Never close enough and that again too close. In geopolitics: Europe that is growing closer together, Africa that is drawing closer, the economic closeness of the globalised world. And in art: Art touches us when it repels or holds us, but also when it throws us back on ourselves, on a moment, a memory, a repressed occurrence perhaps. A fleeting sense of closeness. Or, on the other hand, abstract realization, a premonition of clarity, sudden comprehension.
This too much and too little, this never being right, this paradox that is at the same time the driving force of interpersonal, political, artistic and performative force and motivation, is the leitmotif of steirischer herbst, the central thread that runs through the festival without wanting to be ostentatious.”
—Veronica Kaup-Hasler (original booklet translation)

Close Enough, the leitmotif of the fortieth edition of steirischer herbst, strove to reflect a paradox that is familiar in love and in all relationships: “Never close enough and then again too close. In geopolitics: Europe that is growing closer together, Africa that is drawing closer, the economic closeness of the globalized world. And in art: art touches us when it repels and captivates us, but also when it reflects on us” (program booklet). Moments containing too much or too little—a paradox that is simultaneously a driving force—ran like a thread through steirischer herbst ’07.

The festival began with Closed Enough by Staalplaat Soundsystem, a work commissioned by steirischer herbst and musikprotokoll, which made use of the Helmut List Halle as an instrument, contrary to its intended character as an “almost perfect white cube for music,” largely free of intrinsic noise. It was followed by the opening party with Electric Songs by Kmet. The focal point of the festival was The Theatre on Karmeliterplatz, conceived by the Swedish collective International Festival in cooperation with a team of forty individuals, including artists, architects, and theorists from eleven European countries, as a place for encounters, both a theater and a theater performance. Besides Bilder des Festivals (Images of the Festival), a “documentation on the run” by the media artist Tim Ringewaldt, and various other events such as the German premieres of No Dice by the Nature Theater of Oklahoma and Orthographe de la physionomie en mouvement by the Italian artist group Orthographe also took place there.

In the youth theater Next Liberty, Tim Etchells of Forced Entertainment (in cooperation with the Belgian production platform Victoria) presented That Night Follows Day, his first play with children, while Black Market for Useful Knowledge and Not-knowing No. 8, “an installation with 100 experts” by Hannah Hurtzig and the Mobile Akademie was shown at Orpheum. At the Stadtmuseum Graz, Reinhard Braun curated Reading Back and Forth, an exhibition on forty years of steirischer herbst (with artists such as Maria Eichhorn, Annika Eriksson, and plan b).



Festival centre

Theatre / Performance / Dance




Theory / Discourse / Playing Field Research


Festival opening

20.09., 19:30
Staalplaat Soundsystem (NL / D / GB) - Closed Enough
Kmet (A) - Electric Songs 


Camera Austria

Dom im Berg

Ehem. Medienfabrik

Festivalzentrum, Karmeliterplatz

Forum Stadtpark

Gebrüder Thonet Geschäft


Grazer Kunstverein

Grazer Stadtgebiet

Grazer Stadtgebiet, The Theatre / Karmeliterplatz

HDA - Haus der Architektur Graz


Karmeliterplatz / Paulustorgasse

Kunsthaus Graz / Space 02

Kunstverein Medienturm

Literaturhaus Graz

Maisfeld, Graz - Reininghaus

Minoriten-Galerien im Priesterseminar


Neue Galerie Graz

Next Liberty Jugendtheater


Pavelhaus / Pavlova hisa

Saal Steiermark (Grazer Congress)

Schaufenster in Gleisdorf

Schauspielhaus Graz

Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)

Studiobühne der Grazer Oper

The Theatre / Karmeliterplatz

The Theatre / Karmeliterplatz, Kindermuseum FRida & freD, Rechbauerkino

The Theatre / Karmeliterplatz, stadtmuseumgraz



Program booklet of steirischer herbst 2007: steirischer herbst festival gmbh, steirischer HERBST (Graz: 2007)

→  Available here

steirischer herbst festival gmbh, herbst. Theorie zur Praxis (Graz: 2007)

→  Available here

steirischer herbst festival gmbh, plan b. Fortysomething. Eine GPS-Audio-Tour durch 40 Jahre Kunst auf den Straßen von Graz (Graz: 2007)

Maria Eichhorn, von 12,37 bis 36,08 = 24,94 von 100 % (Cologne: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2007)

→  Available here
