Theater im Bahnhof
Zwischen Knochen und Raketen

Ein Theaterstück von weltpolitischer Dimension
Public space, Theater / Premiere


In englischer, deutscher und russischer Sprache
Talk im Anschluss an die 4. Vorstellung

Maisfeld, Graz - Reininghaus

Production specifics

Auftragswerk steirischer herbst

Projektsponsor Asset One

In Kooperation mit dem Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik, KUG Graz

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von FH JOANNEUM/IND, Radio Helsinki, ARTilek & Peter Felch

The director: Pornography – it doesn’t get any closer.

The script editor: I’ve been there, not that I’m interested, but always only briefly. But I have just read an article about “The art of Kazakhstan as a political project.” That’s more substantial.

The director: And how do you want to do it?

The script editor: On a huge field with the figures acting on it. Big wide patch of grass. And Kazakhs have to be in it, I know one, he’ll make the contacts for us.

The stage designer: A friend of mine, who works as a bone identifier, went to Kazakhstan recently.

Stage designer and script editor meet the bone identifier. He lives in between hundreds of boxes full of bones from a Celtic cult site. He has taken beautiful photos. He kept a diary, too. The script editor writes to the Kazakh actors.

The Kazakhs: Nice idea, but we cannot come to Austria for that long, and at such short notice. And we don’t known the festival or the theatre.

The director: Stray dogs would be great, what’s the best porn film you’ve seen?

The script editor: “The Opening of Misty Beethoven”.

The director: I’ll see if I can get hold of the script.

steirischer herbst: How many spectators do you think would be realistic per performance?

The director: A thousand?!

The director: I want a handball team.

The stage designer: Dogs or handball team, steirischer herbst won’t pay for both.

The Kazakhs: We may have time, after all!

The script editor: Dogs, handball team, a porn script, a bone identifier, and two real Kazakhs. That’ll work.

Regie: Helmut Köpping
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Johanna Hierzegger
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Seppo Gründler
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Johanna Hierzegger
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Rupert M. Lehofer
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Jacob Banigan
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Gabriela Hiti
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Elisabeth Holzmeister
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Rupert M. Lehofer
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Christoph Grill
Theatergruppe / Tanzkompanie: Theater im Bahnhof
