Gestures of Infinity

Über Zuviel und Zuwenig von Emotion und Religion in einer globalisierten Welt


Minoriten-Galerien im Priesterseminar

Production specifics
Koproduktion steirischer herbst, Kulturzentrum bei den Minoriten, AAI (Projekt Crossing Cultures) & KHG-Galerie

The constant state of being online, splitting or multiplying our identities in different milieus is often followed by a sense of being helplessly exposed that gives rise to both intricate worlds and overly simple solutions. Can the tension that arises from the globalised world be shifted into the emotions of our self?

“Gestures of Infinity” proceeds on the basis of emotionalism to process artistic gestures borrowed or developed from the repertory of religion. What is the role of religion that people often seek in fundamentalism and violence, in a geopolitical situation characterised by widely divergent interpretations of the world? But the question is also as to the relationship of religion to an artistic post-post-modernism, that reflects on and at the same time enjoys its “false infinity” (Hegel).

Kuratorin / Kurator: Johannes Rauchenberger
Kuratorin / Kurator: Alois Kölbl
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Zlatko Kopljar
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Robert Rumas
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Manfred Erjautz
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Abigail O´Brien
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Mark Wallinger
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Marta Deskur
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Wael Shwaky
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Muntean / Rosenblum
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Gor Chahal
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Hannes Priesch
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Grazia Toderi
