plan b (D/GB)
Eine GPS Audio Tour durch 40 Jahre Kunst auf den Straßen von Graz
Public space, Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention

The Theatre:
Mo-So 10:00 - 18:00
Di-So 10:00 - 18:00
The Theatre / Karmeliterplatz, stadtmuseumgraz
Production specifics
Auftragswerk steirischer herbst
Koproduktion stadtmuseumgraz
Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Hewlett Packard
Forty years of steirischer herbst have not only written a little bit of history, but also a whole lot of stories. The stories are the material from which the English artist duo plan b (Sophia New and Daniel Belasco Rogers) develop their GPS-controlled audio tour, mapping, investigating and uncovering the events that have taken place on the streets of Graz during the festival: Art in public space, sculptures, performances, happenings and concerts reappear where they once took place.
Subjective mingles with factual, believed with experienced, former makers, artists and visitors of steirischer herbst have their say along with barkeepers, taxi drivers, baker’s wives or policemen … What traces has steirischer herbst left behind – not only in art history but also in personal biographies?
On the basis of forty different stories, there evolves an acoustic landscape that festival visitors can traverse as they experience the city from a new angle. With the aid of ingenious GPS technology, it is possible to move around the city centre of Graz independently and along your own routes (avoiding areas with no reception), following the voices of the past. The subjective stories thus become new walks, combinations, experiences: Everyone who sets out will experience a different history of steirischer herbst – depending on what routes she or he follows.
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: plan b
Konzept / Idee: Sophia New
Konzept / Idee: Daniel Belasco Rogers
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Anna Katharina Laggner
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Johann Puntigam