Loften Mitchell, Bubbling Brown Sugar (1976), musical revue, Messehalle Graz, 1981, photo: steirischer herbst archive

Robert Wilson, Einstein Chair (1976), chair: galvanized chair, 237.5 × 24.8 × 24.8 cm, base: galvanized steel sheet over wood armature, 6.4 × 110.5 × 110.5 cm, at Robert Wilson: Zeichnungen/Partituren, Galerie H Graz, 1981, photo: Peter Philipp; courtesy of the artist

musikprotokoll concert with compositions Luc Ferrari, Georges Aperghis, Jean-Claude Risset, Philippe Fénelon, and Vinko Globokar under the musical direction of Vinko Globokar, with the Ensemble Musique Vivante, Kammermusiksaal Graz, 1981, photo: steirischer herbst archive

Hermann Nitsch, Projekt Prinzendorf: Entwürfe, Partituren, Bedingungen der Realisation (1981), exhibition view, Kulturhaus Graz, 1981, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp; © Bildrecht, Wien 2021

Pat Oleszko, Opera buffa (1981), performance, at open house, Haus der Jugend, Graz, 1981, photo: steirischer herbst archive / Philipp
steirischer herbst ’81 opened with Alban Berg’s Lulu under the musical direction of Friedrich Cerha at the Opera. Another of the numerous steirischer herbst scandals was triggered by the Hermann Nitsch exhibition and his Orgien-Mysterien-Theater (Orgy Mystery Theater) at the Kulturhaus, whose reception is not entirely irrelevant to the further history of the festival. Unlike in 1988, when art was presented in the public space of the city to illuminate its Nazi past, the press initially spurred on the displeasure in this case, before the public’s agitation was expressed with a wheelbarrow of manure dumped in front of the Kulturhaus.
The disparaging statements of the mayor, Alexander Götz (Freedom Party of Austria, or FPÖ), first vice president of steirischer herbst until 1974, and the cultural advisor Heinz Pammer (Austrian People’s Party, or ÖVP), first vice president from 1974 to 1984—who did not call for an immediate closing, as demanded by federal councilor Eduard Pumpernig (ÖVP), but did describe the show as “unappetizing and sickening,” as “crap,” and Nitsch as a “disturbed individual”—would have long-term consequences.1 They continued to be felt until Peter Vujica officially took over as artistic director on January 1, 1982, and even later.
Vujica himself stated to the regional daily newspaper Kleine Zeitung that he had already spoken with Nitsch prior to the opening about participating in steirischer herbst ’83 and felt “more vindicated than intimidated” by the most recent incidents at the Kunsthaus.2 In the end, Nitsch did not participate in the festival in 1983.
- 1
- Christine Resch, Kunst als Skandal: Der steirische herbst und die öffentliche Erregung (Vienna: Verlag für Gesellschaftskritik, 1994), p. 74.
- 2
- Ibid, p. 75.
z.i.m.t - contemporary international music theatre
trigon ´81
visual arts
Festival opening
17.10., 11:00
Opening by president Rudolf Kirchschläger
17.10., 15:00
Neue Galerie
Opening trigon Auf der Suche nach den Autonnomien - Der Regionalismus in der Kunst (Searching for autonomy - Regionalism in Art)
Aula des BRG Mürzzuschlag
Aula des Bundesrealgymnasiums Mürzzuschlag
Bundesrealgymnasium Mürzzuschlag
Ddr. Alfred - Schachner - Hauptschule, Mürzzuschla
Dom, Graz
Forum Stadtpark
Galerie Droschl, Funkhaus-Galerie
Galerie H
Galerie K
Ganggalerie im Rathaus
Gasthof Brauhaus
Gasthof Martin Holzer
Grazer Congress
Großer Saal des Volkshauses
Haus der Jugend
Joanneum, Ecksaal
Kammermusiksaal ( Grazer Kongress)
Kammermusiksaal (Grazer Kongress)
Kulturhaus Graz
Neue Galerie Graz
Neue Galerie Graz, Künstlerhaus
Oper Graz
Palais Saurau
Redoutensaal (Schauspielhaus Graz)
Redoutensaal des Schauspielhauses, Graz
Stefaniensaal (Grazer Kongress)
Universität Graz
Vortragssaal des Bundesrealgymnasiums Mürzzuschlag

Program booklet of steirischer herbst 1981: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, steirischer herbst ’81 (Z.I.M.T.) (Graz: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, 1981)

Kunstmuseum Luzern, Schweizer Kunst ’70–’80. Regionalismus / Internationalismus , Bilanz einer neuen Haltung in der Schweizer Kunst der 70er Jahre am Beispiel von 30 Künstlern (Luzern: 1981)

Manfred Willmann / Forum Stadtpark, Symposion on Photography II (Graz: Fotogalerie im Forum Stadtpark, 1981)

steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, Z.I.M.T. Zeitgenössisches Internationales Muskiktheater (Graz: steirischer herbst executive secretary's office, 1981)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, trigon 81. Auf der Suche nach den Autonomien. Der Regionalismus in der Kunst (Graz: 1981)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Werke der XVI. internationalen Malerwochen in der Steiermark (Graz: 1981)

Otto Kolleritsch, Zur „Neuen Einfachheit“ in der Musik (Studien zur Wertungsforschung 14) (Graz-Vienna: Universal Edition, 1981)

Universität Stuttgart, Steirischer Herbst, Kriegssteig Graz. Räumliche Inszenierungen und Installationen am Kriegssteig in Graz vom 28.9. bis 3.10.1981 (Stuttgart: 1981)

Neue Galerie am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Josef Taucher. Bilder 81 (Graz: 1981)