musikprotokoll 2016

From time to time we need to check our personal cultural maps for terrae incognitae. For example, where does our concept of “old music” end and where does it begin? Baroque? Renaissance? When it comes to music from the 13th and 14th century, the map tends to get a bit more sketchy. And the early Middle Ages sometimes feel downright strange.

What discoveries are to be made then, when Vokalensemble NOVA create a picture puzzle of perception made up of very old and very new music at musikprotokoll! A shift in cultural maps based on the factor of time. musikprotokoll 2016 stretches our globe of charted worlds of music in all directions.

Composers Bernhard Lang and Gerhard E. Winkler, for example, discover unsuspected topographies in Schubert’s “Winter Journey”; Renald Deppe surveys new territory together with Tehran-born composer and electronic musician Hassan Zanjirani Farahani; Deena Abdelwahed situates her art in the coordinate system between Tunisia and Western Europe; 85-year-old composer Alvin Lucier ventures along those narrow paths traced by the movements of a cellist’s bow arm; performer Blixa Bargeld manoeuvres his audience along tortuous paths of voice and language; in a joint expedition, RSO Vienna and Klangforum Wien climb the peak of powerful orchestral and ensemble premieres; the SHAPE project organised by the ICAS festival network – a European platform for innovative music and audiovisual art – points the compass towards young music scenes yet to be charted.

musikprotokoll at steirischer herbst sets sail for many a hidden realm on its journey this year.

Filed under “musikprotokoll 2016”

Vokalensemble NOVA
Die Logik der Engel

steirischer herbst ’16

L'Ocelle Mare
steirischer herbst ’16

Gil Delindro
Voidness of Touch

steirischer herbst ’16

Susanna Gartmayer / Brigitta Bödenauer
2 Superheldinnen

steirischer herbst ’16

Blixa Bargeld
steirischer herbst ’16

Andi Stecher

steirischer herbst ’16

auf molekularer ebene
steirischer herbst ’16

ORF Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien / Klangforum Wien
Size Does Matter: Un Concert Grandiose

steirischer herbst ’16

Alvin Lucier
Charles Curtis Quartet

steirischer herbst ’16

one bubble muggle meets double trouble
musik macht staunen. staunen macht frei. freiheit macht arbeit. arbeit macht arbeit!

steirischer herbst ’16

Ö1 Klassiktreffpunkt live
steirischer herbst ’16

konfrontationen 6: The Next Generation!
steirischer herbst ’16

Aleph Quartett
Cold Songs

steirischer herbst ’16

Demi Broxa
steirischer herbst ’16

Martin Hiendl

steirischer herbst ’16

Deena Abdelwahed
All Hail Mother Internet

steirischer herbst ’16
