Workshop 2: Der Staatskünstler

Ästhetiken des Politischen
Workshop / Animation


in englischer Sprache

Festivaldistrikt: Bar, Mariahilferstraße

Part of
herbst-Akademie 2011

What kind of physical knowledge exists in our bodies as political beings? What is the dance of a citizen? How does the state perform? Which politics are possible through physical contact, what are the aesthetics and erotics of the Volk and of the state?

Beautiful actions in a public space are the centre of this workshop: What is the art of “pre-enacting” which introduces a political fact into the public realm? Events and actions, initiated by artists, whose works of art are discourse-specific, which can only happen at this place and at this point in time, which are governed by a specific constellation of social trauma and political ambition. Against the idea of a political commitment within the for / against paradigm, Public Movement proposes the role of a state artist. A state artist is responsible for broadening political imagination. A state artist works in society and within the political collective which is the state, and is not there to serve a rigid partisan ideology.

Konzept / Idee: Public Movement
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Oliver Marchart
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Joanna Warsza
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Artur Zmijewski
