Graz Museum​



Graz Museum

Part of
Partner Program

Fridays for Future, COVID-19, Last Generation—a glance at the media shows that protests in whatever form fill the headlines. Graz is no exception. On the one hand, international protest movements and forms are reflected here; on the other hand, there are local concerns that lead to specific protests. The exhibition Protest! explores the diversity and creativity with which people have made and continue to make their voices heard.

The focus is on protest movements in the democratic social order of the 20th century and extends to the present. The exhibition asks how society and protest, or the individual and protest, relate to each other. What are the origins of protest movements? How do they change society? How has protest itself changed, and what forms of protest might there be in the future?

The exhibition follows Graz Museumʼs new orientation toward a democratic museum and offers opportunities for participation.

Idea: Sibylle Dienesch
Curators: Bernhard Bachinger, Annette Rainer
Project management: Vanessa Bednarek
Assistant curator: Martin Hammer
Exhibition design: Benedikt Haid, Michael Moser, Lena Michalik
