Mediterranean Measures – Science, Research, and the Arts. Hommage à Ludwig Salvator in Wissenschaft, Forschung und Kunst
Installation, Exhibition / Premiere
Nixe / Das Schiff
Do - So 10:00 - 19:00
8.10.2015, 17:00
Vernissage: Schiffsweihe mit Bundespräsident Heinz Fischer
18.10.2015, 18:30
Finissage: Überraschungskonzert mit Omar Niang (SN/ES)
Nixe / Der Hafen
Do – So 10:00 – 19:00
Lesliehof im Joanneumsviertel
8.10.2015, 18:00
Vernissage: Lesung aus Ludwig Salvators Buch „Lieder der Bäume“
Lesliehof im Joanneumsviertel, Murinsel
Part of
musikprotokoll 2015
Production specifics
Auftragswerk musikprotokoll
In Kooperation mit Universalmuseum Joanneum, Naturkundemuseum Joanneumsviertel & SHAPE – Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Stanislav Abraham ist SHAPE Künstler
Mit Unterstützung der Pro Helvetia – Schweizer Kulturstiftung, Lambda Labs
Researcher of the Mediterranean, Ludwig Salvator was a traveller all his life. A homage with contributions from the domain of sound, art and science sets out to do justice to this free thinker.
He has the makings of an icon of free science, beyond academia and yet full of passionate precision: researcher of the Mediterranean, Ludwig Salvator travelled all his life, going from island to island, and finally from continent to continent. From aboard the “Nixe”, his steam-driven yacht, he set his research radar on unexplored, as yet largely unknown Mediterranean islands and their original, indeed – in terms of civilisation – primeval flora and fauna, habits, customs and living circumstances. For decades, he published dozens of highly regarded specialist publications.
The Archduke from the Tuscan line of the Habsburg family, who died one hundred years ago in October 1915, was as much an ardent practising conservationist as a bohemian and pacifist. A homage featuring several artistic contributions from the fertile borderland of sound, art and science is dedicated to this free thinker. Venues and, at the same time, instruments of this undertaking are ORF correspondent booths in the Lesliehof im Joanneumsviertel and the Murinsel as the fictitiously resurrected research vessel Nixe – along with the appropriate background sound.
Komponistin / Komponist: Peter Ablinger
Komponistin / Komponist: Stanislav Abraham
Komponistin / Komponist: Peter Brandlmayr
Komponistin / Komponist: die audiotapete
Komponistin / Komponist: Josef Klammer
Komponistin / Komponist: Marcus Maeder
Komponistin / Komponist: Mateu Malondra
Komponistin / Komponist: Hannes Rickli
Komponistin / Komponist: Christine Schörkhuber
Komponistin / Komponist: Valentina Vuksic
Komponistin / Komponist: Jana Winderen