Shadi Alshhadeh / Roza El-Hassan
Syrian Voices
A lecture by Shadi Alshhadeh (SYR) presented by Roza El-Hassan (H/SYR)
Camp: White Box
Part of
Truth is concrete
It has been more than 500 days since the Syrian people started to fight for freedom and democracy. Thirty thousand people have lost their lives because of the regime so far. But still there is a dense and on-going image production. This lecture shows parts of a huge archive: demonstration plates from Syria, wall-drawings and drawn eye-witness reports by children, collected by Shadi Alshhadeh, a Syrian human right's activist who worked on the ground in Syria, and in neighbouring countries. He collected and documented images, videos and texts, and recently founded the Center for Education of Syrian Youth in Cairo. Syrian Intellectuals, artist and filmmakers are one of the main target groups for the Al Assad Regime Forces to be killed or detained. Still they are at the same time refused visa to enter Europe and raise their voice. This is the fourth lecture by Shadi Alshhadeh, that will be read by someone else in Europe, since he is refused visa for cultural events.
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Shadi Alshhadeh
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Róza El-Hassan