VolXküche feat. die Pastinaken / Thomas N. Schnölzer
The art of dumpster diving

Workshop / Animation


Workshop by VolXküche feat. die Pastinaken / Thomas N. Schnölzer (A)
Mon 24/09 – Tuesday 25/09
Mon 19.30 – 23.00: Dumpster tour (meeting point: Continuity room)
Tue 16.00 – 20.00: Participatory cooking
Tue 20.00: Open dinner, White Box

Camp: Continuity room, Camp: White Box

Truth is concrete

About a quarter of the daily production of bakery products finishes in the waste container and up to 45kg of food is thrown away by the average supermarket per day in Austria. Dumpster diving is a culinary anti-consumerist protest against today‘s throw-away society.

On Monday the workshop takes a close look into the trash bins of supermarkets in Graz and collects the ingredients for the upcoming day. On Tuesday afternoon, the participants install a volXku?che at the camp and prepare a delicious vegan dinner out of the collected food to be enjoyed in pleasant company at the end of the day – open for everybody as long as stocks last. Rubber gloves, headlamps and bikes will be provided.

Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: VOlXküche
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: die Pastinaken
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Thomas N. Schnölzer
