Doug Ashford / Trisha Brown / Sarah Browne / Germaine Kruip
Mit Doug Ashford (US), Trisha Brown (US), Sarah Browne (IE) & Germaine Kruip (NL/BE)
Kuratiert von Krist Gruijthuijsen (AT/NL)
Grazer Kunstverein
Production specifics
Koproduktion steirischer herbst & Grazer Kunstverein
Four exponents of contemporary art, four attempts to make new contexts visible by abstracting social conditions. In his latest works Doug Ashford, former member of the New York Group Material collective, focuses on current events – of a political, in some cases traumatic nature – adding an unexpected formal, metaphorical, indeed comforting dimension to them in his paintings by means of an additional step of abstraction. Dutch artist Germaine Kruip looks at the ecstatic ritual of the Dervish dance to examine how simple, aesthetic interventions can bring about concrete change, while Irish artist Sarah Browne links objects of art, a carpet, for example, with discussions about the economic conditions of their production and about values. There will also be a publication on the early works of Trisha Brown, whose wholly physical studies of the interrelation of body and urban space made avant-garde dance history.