stadt: mur.eck

Szenische Lesung
Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention, Out of Graz


Kurator Florian Arlt
Text, Regie Norbert Prettenthaler
Assistenz Mathias Baumgartner
Ausstattung Andreas Mayer
Raum Armin Lixl
Kostüm Chrissie & Bettina
Kamera Norbert Prettenthaler
Visuals, Technik Stefan Schmid
Musik, Sound Die braven Buben, Sarah, Dokio, Georg Altziebler, Martin Finke, A. Stangl, Gernot Eichmann
Produktion Jugend- & Kulturzentrum HOUSE, Norbert Prettenthaler, Mimikry Mit Magdalena Dorner, Veronika Schwarz, Geza Terner, Gernot Rieger, Sarah Brandstädter, Reinhard Urban, Bernhard Wolf, Mara Matuschka, Ruth Brandstädter, Reshad Yakubi, Ian Mayer, Ed Gfrerer, Bettina Fabian, Lena Fitz, Connie Stachl, Nora Varga u. a.

Stadtmuseum Mureck

Mureck/town/market-town/village: a search for a city, an urban survey? Where is the core town, where is the periphery – the riverside zone – moving to. The writer-in-residence in monthly exile as a pilot project of future writers-in-residence, like visual asylum-seekers. The documentary aspect of the text and its adaptation is related in an unprejudiced way from the point of view of the encounter with Mureck and its inhabitants.

What town is? What is expected from within itself? The expectant view from the border area into the town, etc. The writer-in-residence’s video camera supports his work, translating what language devours.

Insights into these episodes form the stage base for the set pieces: text/video condition a new definition of the disused museum in the town. The museum as a venue. Two performances for steirischer herbst: the text/production guides visitors around the designed rooms. The focus is on the monthly chronicle, that will be staged by a theatre group.

Kuratorin / Kurator: Florian Arlt
Autorin / Autor, Text: Norbert Prettenthaler
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Andreas Mayer
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Armin Lixl
Kostüme: Chrissie & Bettina
Regie: Norbert Prettenthaler
