Lisa Höllebauer and Lisa Schantl
Writer(s) in Climate Crisis



Gatto im Museum (Gastgarten)

Part of
Partner Program

Production specifics
In cooperation with Tint Journal, wir sind lesenswert, and BLÄTTERN
Supported by the Province of Styria and the City of Graz
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’23

Writer(s) in Climate Crisis is a project by Lisa Höllebauer (codirector of the literary contest wir sind lesenswert) and Lisa Schantl (editor in chief of the literary magazine Tint Journal). It is primarily concerned with writing, presenting, and perceiving climate fiction as well as art. This third edition focuses on the role of the “human” in climate change.

In a multipart workshop, German- and English-speaking emerging writers reflect on their approaches to the topic and transform their impressions, supported by scientific input, into short literary texts. Marina Stiegler subsequently translates the poems and stories into an artwork, opening up a dialogue between literature and the visual arts. Artwork and texts are presented to the public at a final reading.

Artists and authors: Marina Stiegler
