Kunsthaus Graz
20 Years Kunsthaus Graz. Re-Imagine the Future



The Other. Re-Imagine the Future

Sol LeWitt’s Wall. Performed. Re-Imagine the Future

Kunsthaus Graz

Part of
Partner Program

Kunsthaus Graz celebrates its twentieth anniversary with a nuanced reactivation of history that focuses on the unexposed and less visible aspects of past projects, specific new artistic productions, and performative interventions. Weaving together a multitude of possible strands from history with the present and future becomes the leitmotif for a multivoiced speculation titled Re-Imagine the Future. The opening celebration simultaneously launches Protocols for Utopia, a four-day event series at Kunsthaus.

The Other
Re-Imagine the Future

The group exhibition The Other at Space02 addresses themes of identity, history, belonging, and exclusion. It dwells on the paradoxical position of the “Other” as a constituent element but also as a disruption. This disruption not only serves to differentiate, but is also an impulse to think about this difference as an opening for possible future scenarios. The artistic positions on display invite us to use the concept of the “Other” to explore asymmetrical relationships that sustain systems of exploitation, or to turn to historical and contemporary alternatives that rely on solidarity and comradeship.

Sol LeWitt’s Wall. Performed
Re-Imagine the Future

Sol LeWitt’s monumental Wall, an elongated wall designed by the artist for Space01, is reactivated and reread after twenty years. Over nine months, it will be placed into linguistic, historical, and conceptual dialogues with current artistic positions such as those of Jasmina Cibic, Franz Vana, and Renate Krammer. Sol LeWitt famously provides a concept whose essential artistic achievement is the idea. The production of the works becomes a collective endeavor in which instructions are scrupulously followed. Consequently, the exhibition opens with a chapter on conceptual protocols, which, in line with our ambition to reflect the future, occupy the space as Protocols for Utopia.
