Karin Hochegger, Rike Scheffler, Christoph Szalay
It’s beautiful up here,
but I wish I would have come
muchmuch earlier
(when it was still quiet)

Scenic hike / performance


Alte Mühle / Ramsau Rössing
Ramsau am Dachstein

Part of
Partner Program

Production specifics
A coproduction with The Styrian Society for Cultural Policy (GKP) and Gemeinde Ramsau am Dachstein
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ʼ23

Itʼs beautiful up here, but I wish I would have come muchmuch earlier (when it was still quiet) is an encounter in and with the Alps, the landscapes that shape them, and the inscriptions that humans have made and continue to make. It is a tale of disappearance and desire in equal measure, an attempt to recover, understand, and preserve what wild growth and vegetation can still be found in these environments, and the discovery of a sustainable language for the future, forming alliances between moss, keelback slugs, and one’s own hands.

The focus is a tour with conservationist and author Karin Hochegger along the historic mill path in Ramsau am Dachstein. This will be expanded by interventions by the poet, performer, and musician Rike Scheffler, as well as a discursive/poetic travel accompaniment to the plateau by author and curator Christoph Szalay. The event ends with a get-together over a Ramsau snack.
