die prekARTe ʼ23 – ÜBER/LEBENs/RÄUME
(PrecariART ʼ23: Survival Spaces)



Kunst Klub Kräftner / Rösselmühle

Part of
Partner Program

Production specifics
In cooperation with the University of Arts Linz, Raum 117, Junge Kunst, Studio Magic, wohnlabor, SizeTwo, and others
With many thanks to RöMü GmbH und Karin Kräftner for the spaces
Supported by the City of Graz, the Province of Styria, and BMKOES
A cooperation in the context of steirischer herbst ’23

The art route of prekARTe ʼ23 winds through a multifaceted diorama of the contemporary, avant-garde, artistic precariat working in two vacant Graz locales: the Rösselmühle and the Kräftner. We take the existential shortage of space and the sprawling vacancies as an opportunity to explore—in and with—precarious production conditions. These spaces, freed in the short term from the “restraints of economy,” are possibly the last utopian free spaces of play for experimental art.

In a kind of thrust reversal of gentrification, creative interstices of critical contradiction are made possible and artistically transformed with social added value—the Rösselmühle: a temporary art incubator for extrainstitutional artistic forms of work and production on postvandalism and urban art; the Kräftner: an inner-city house as a living art space with an art café, art club, gallery, studio, and art residency.


Art Club Kräftner exhibitions

black pearl’s art cocoon
Group exhibition APORON 21
26.9.–29.10., Tue–Sat 14:00–22:00
Artists: Natascha Eyberg, Fritz Fraunwallner, Future Benin, Max Gansberger, Elmar Gubisch, Mark Hellgoth, ITSCH, Dominika Kalcher, Tara Kobusievicz-Petković, Andrea Kurtz, Gudrun Lang, Stefan Lozar, Michael Maier, Boško Marušić, Günther Metzger, Radmila Stanković, Chris and Alex Ritz, Markus Schinnerl, and others
With a posthumous contribution by Renate Sterlika

silent art disco
AV room installation in the display hall

26.9.–29.10., 24/7
Artists: Peta Ipomea, Lain Iwakura, Anna and Lisa Repnik, Chris and Alex Ritz (Visio:kratie), Michael Romanov, Rada Stanković, zvuk:ITSCH, and others
In cooperation with the Institute for Sonic Welfare, Visio:kratie, and others

Fri and Sat
Art Night Specials


Art Club Kräftner events23.9., 19:00
Art club opening with music and DJs

29.9., 19:00
Silk Road Tower
Exhibition opening with guests from the prekAIRe Residency (PrecAIRious Residency), in the presence of the artists and with an introduction by the artistic director, Igor Friedrich Petković

25.10.–28.10., 19:00 onward
prekARTe Final Weekend and closing with surprise guests

Precarious art education

Druck mal (Print It Out)
Art workshop for children eight and up
3.10.–6.10., 16:00–18:00
With Igor Friedrich Petković and others
Registration: anmeldung@aporon21.org

prekAIRe Residency Kräftner (PrecAIRious Residency)
Viktoria Dürr, Anita Lili Haxhija, Ena Kirchner, Eva Helene Stern, and others


Rösselmühle exhibitions

die prekARTe ’23 – ÜBER/LEBENs/RÄUME (PrecariART ʼ23: Survival Spaces)
Group exhibition of the APORON 21 association in cooperation with Raum 117, Junge Kunst, wohnlabor, and Studio Magic
Artists: Jana Aschauer, Natascha Eyberg, Fritz Fraunwallner, Future Benin, Julia Fröhlich, Max Gansberger, Christian Gehrlich, Elmar Gubisch, Mark Hellgoth, ITSCH, Anna Jäger, Thomas Kain, Dominika Kalcher, Thomas Kalcher, Tara Kobusievicz-Petković, Andrea Kurtz, Elena Laaha, Gudrun Lang, Ramona Lavrincsik, Simon Lernpeiss, Stefan Lozar, Michael Maier, Boško Marušić, Günther Metzger, Chris and Alex Ritz, Jomo Ruderer, Radmila Stanković, Markus Schinnerl, Miro Schober, Julia Spreitzer, Wolfgang Timmer, and others

Institut Raum und Gestalt (TU Graz)
Haus des Werkzeugs (House of Tools)
Curators: Carlotta Bonura, Klemen Breitfuss, Rainer Eberl, Franziska Hederer, Alex Lehnerer
With works by Patrizia Posch and Julia Schalk, Benedikt Probstmeier and Jakob Rescher, Laura Huber and Lea Hudetz, Marchet Jangulbaewa and Lukas Livesu, Naomi Baumann and Jakob Übeleis, Lorenz Kerschensteiner and Matej Rozman, Tamara Faber and Lukas Thurner, Daniela Tubin and Milena Ždrnja, Florian Berger and Hannah Gilly, Florentina Bachmann and Karla Matweber, Umut Can, Alexander Postl and Kushtrim Vishi

“Reclaim Abandoned Surfaces”: Post-Vandalism Now
Group exhibition of urban art / graffiti
Artists: Future Benin, graf:itsch, Andrea Kurtz, David Leitner, Consuelo Méndez, Gernot Passath, Florian Perl, Size Two, and others

Spielplatz (Playground)
Group exhibition / interdisciplinary spatial staging
Artists: Martin Glawitsch, Luise Höggerl, Ramona Lavrincsik, Simon Lernpeiss, Miro Schober, Julia Spreitzer, and others

prekAIRe Residency (PrecAIRious Residency)
Exhibition with guest artists

WAAAW Mobile Archive (World Artists Agency against War)
Student exhibition
Directed by Giulia Mazzorin, Lorenzo Romito, and Andrea Curtoni
In cooperation with the University of Arts Linz, space&designstrategies department

Temporär wohnen – prekär (Temporary Living—Precarious)
Exhibition of the student workshop results at Graz University of Technologyʼs Institute of Housing
Led by Thomas Kalcher and Thomas Kain / studio magic


Rösselmühle events

22.9., 18:00
Opening in the presence of the artists and with an introduction by the artistic director, Igor Friedrich Petković

27.9., 19:00
Institut Raum und Gestalt (TU Graz)
Haus des Werkzeugs (House of Tools)
Reception, winter term kick-off

28.9., 19:00
Consuelo Méndez
Mujeres Muralistas on a Mission: Painting Latino Identities in 1970s San Francisco

28.9., 20:00
Prekariatsmarsch (March of Precarity)
Performative concert
Musicians: Peta Ipomea, Werner Mandlberger, Markus Oberleitner, Viktor Palić, and others

8.10., 19:00
Eigentümer haften für ihre Künstler:innen (Owners Are Liable for Their Artists)
Work presentation and panel discussion on Spielplatz

12.10., 19:00 onward
DAIMONOS – Hypermature Ereignisweiten (Humans and Demons Special!)
MognStuamBuam (Michael Eisl, Josef Greimel, Peta Ipomea, Michael Maier, Werner Mandlberger, Markus Oberleitner, Viktor Palic, Igor F. Petković)
Postgarage (Floor 2)
Dreihackengasse 42
8020 Graz

14.10., 18:00 onward
Closing with guests


precarious art education / discourse

Guided tours for small groups can be booked at anmeldung@aporon21.org.

Reclaim Abandoned Surfaces
Graffiti and urban art workshop as artistic self-empowerment for young people in Gries
25.–27.9., 17:00–19:00
28.9., 18:00
Presentation of the works and processes in the works yard
Registration for youth and children eight years and up by 30.8. via anmeldung@aporon21.org
Free of charge, limited number of participants
In cooperation with Raum 117 and Size Two

30.9., 16:00
Joachim Hainzl
Tour and sociohistorical lecture performance on the history of the Rösselmühle, the history of graffiti in Graz, and methods of appropriation of public space
Meeting point: Rösselmühle

1.10., 16:00
Ann-Sophie Aue, Jonathan Coenen, Katharina Eisch-Angus, Johannes Maier, Laura Riedl, Lucie Trummer
Die Rösselmühle – Gedächtnis und Zukunft der Grazer Arbeiter:innenvorstadt (The Rösselmühle: Memory and Future of Grazʼs Workersʼ Suburb)

13.10. 16:00
ARGE Architektur und Forschung
Ein Stück Stadt diskutieren (Discussing a Piece of the City)


prekAIRe Residency Rösselmühle (PrecAIRious Residency)

Bhima Griem
Freundschaft (Friendship)

Consuelo Méndez
Mujeres Muralistas
