Heinz Trenczak
Kunst der Flucht. Kunst der Fuge.
(Art of Flight. Art of Fugue.)



Schaumbad – Freies Atelierhaus Graz / Afro-Asiatisches Institut / Café Globa / Die Kometin / Forum Stadtpark / Galerie Sommer / Galerie Zwischenbilder / Kirche St. Andrä / KULTUMUSEUM Graz / KiG! Kultur in Graz / Kunsthaus Graz / < rotor > Zentrum für zeitgenössische Kunst / Gallerie Transit / Volkskundemuseum

Verschiedene Orte

Part of
Partner Program

Production specifics
Thanks to: Katrin Bucher Trantow, Barbara Edlinger, Anita Hofer, Mathis Huber, Birgit Johler, Robin Klengel, Alois Kölbl, Anton Lederer, Petra Lex, Johannes Mindler-Steiner, Mohamed Moursi, Elke Murlasits, Vitaliy Patsyurkovskyy, Nikolaus Pessler, Heidrun Primas, Johannes Rauchenberger, Margret Roth, Edith Temmel, Evelyn Tschernko, Evelyn Schalk, Mariella Widauer

Supported by the Province Styria–Department of Culture, City of Graz–Department of Culture, Zukunftsfonds der Republik Österreich, Haus Styriarte, Marga Enge, styrianARTfoundation, Vis-à-vis Filmproduktion, ausreißer – Die Grazer Wandzeitung
A cooperation with Heinz Trenczak | Vis-à-vis Film in the context of steirischer herbst ’23

People are only too happy to talk about migration and flight as a burning contemporary “problem” that should be “solved” as quickly as possible; once we do, there will finally be peace and unity again. In the process, they overlook how human history is characterized by migratory movements in search of food, homes, and security.

Even Graz, known far beyond its borders as the “most German city of the Habsburg monarchy,” has willingly overlooked its history of heterogeneity. There are enough traces if one simply looks: for example, the so-called Windische Herrengasse (“Slovenian Herrengasse”) and Welsche Kirche (“Italian Church”) or the number of non-German speakers in the 1880 census. In art, there are also numerous references that prove how central migratory movements have been for mankind. A cluster of exhibitions in thirteen locations traces their history to the present.

Idea, concept, overall management: Heinz Trenczak
Consulting, project management: Manfred Stocker
Printing, blowups of the engravings: Hans Georg Tropper
Consulting, lender: Eugen Lendl
Graphics, design: Josef Fürpaß
Consulting, exhibition construction, transport: Clemens Kranawetter, Johannes Maier, Christian Meixner
Mounting in Atelier 13: Uta Bader
Video editing: Masoud Razavy Pour
