Series: Bodies - Cities - Subjects

The transformation of the European city is the subject of this year’s steirischer herbst. The ”Bodies – Cities – Subjects” programme reflects on the structural change of the city by means of stage arts. ”Bodies – Cities – Subjects” provokes encounters and forges spontaneous alliances: the borders between public and theatre space, artists and non-artists, actors and audience become permeable. The focus is on the performative experiment and not the pictorial representation or theatre enactment of the urban transformation process: of suburbanisation and shrinkage, of segregation and social exclusion, museification and eventification, urban nomadism and metropolitan lifestyle. It is about presence rather than representation: current urban atmospheres and moods, the participation of city inhabitants, physical stocktaking, global nomadism, utopias of community in the non-places of urban conurbations.

Filed under “Bodies - Cities - Subjects”

Herzschritt different
steirischer herbst ’05

steirischer herbst ’05

mnemonic nonstop
steirischer herbst ’05
