Theater am Lend / uniT

The Chorus Project—Oresteia Reloaded


Proteus—A Missing Piece of Memory
7.10., 8.10., 18:00 and 20:00
9.10., 10.10., 22:00
Theater am Lend

Agamemnon—A Queer Feministic Visual Poem​
9.10., 10.10., 18.00

The Libation Bearers—Oresteia
9.10, 10.10, 20:00

The Chorus—An Audio Experience
7.10., 8.10., 9.10., 10.10.
Online for free starting 7.10.


Part of
Parallel Program 2020

Production specifics
A cooperation between PATHOS Munich, Upstart Theatre London, Theater am Lend, and MKC Skopje, in collaboration with uniT, with financial support by Creative Europe, Land Steiermark, bmkoes

Supported by steirischer herbst ’20

In the context of Graz Kulturjahr 2020

Agamemnon—A Queer Feministic Visual Poem​ (Pathos Theater, Munich), The Libation Bearers—Oresteia (MKC, Skopje), The Chorus—An Audio Experience (Upstart Theatre, London), Proteus—A Missing Piece of Memory (Theater am Lend, Graz)

Four artistic teams in four countries are developing new interpretations and rewritings of Aeschylus’s Oresteia trilogy. At the center of the new plays, which are loosely based on the stories in the trilogy and reimagine the lost satyr play, are questions such as: What is the chorus today? What is democracy? Which basic democratic values must we preserve, defend, develop further, or lay claim to? How can participation succeed and what aspects do we really need to rethink? Who speaks in public space? Whose voices are not heard? Whom do we want to give a voice to?

The project tackles the central problems our continent is currently facing. What once appeared to have been overcome by democratic institutions and cooperation—nationalism, discrimination, corruption—is returning like a curse and endangering law and order, peace, and democracy itself, both on the periphery of Europe and at its center. The central concern of the Oresteia is thus still as relevant as ever: Will democracy really be able to save us from the seemingly unstoppable mechanisms of violence and misunderstanding that are passed down from generation to generation? 

All teams are working together with citizens: in Munich with women from the “Seniorenbörse” senior citizens’ organization and young people, in Graz with senior citizens who are looking for memories, in Birmingham with disadvantaged citizens who are given the chance to speak up, and in Skopje with young people.

Additional event:

The Chorus: An Audio Experience
Where is the line between justice and revenge? Who holds the power in our societies? How do we make amends for the injustices of the past? Upstart Theatre presents The Chorus, an audio experience which delves deeper into the themes of their stage play Beneath the City. This project was created through a series of online workshops with a group of non-professional performers from Birmingham, who starred in the original production as The Furies.
Online at 

Director: Tom Mansfield
Sound Designer: Duncan Grimley
The Chorus: Denise Norton, Eddie Nelson, Eleanor Lawson, Gordon Elcock, Jan Lane, Jane Winder, Kerry Frater, Linda Hisgett, Melanie Distin, Niamh Elcock, Sharon Walcott & Toqueer Quyyam, Michelle Rafferty
Producer: Hannah Tookey
Executive Producer: Emma Sampson

Cast and crew:

Theater am Lend: Christian Winkler, Franz von Strolchen, Markus Boxler, Henx, Madeleine Lissy, Edith Draxl, Florian Tröbinger, Ingeborg Paß-Kosmath, Susanna Rupp, Annemarie Tisch, Christine Benischke, Martin Fuchs, Eveline Rieger, Margarete Kostka, Corinja Hein; Martin Gasparics, Bibi Reinhardt, Wolfgang Herz

Pathos Theater: Angelika Fink, Katja Kettner, Astrid Behrens, Barbara Balsei, Joe Masi, Essi Utriainen, Elsa Büsing, Martine-Nicole Rojina, Katrin Deltgen, Angelika Fink, Ines Hollinger, Anastasia Papadopoulou, Caglar Yigitogullari

MKC: Stefan Vujisic, Natalija Teodosieva, Zarko Jovanovic, Dragana Loshkova, Dimitrija Doksevski, Ivica Dimitrijevic, Biljana Krajcevska, Kristina Bozhurska, Jane Trajkovski, Martin Ivanov, Erik Omeragic, Kiril Donev, Atanas Velkovski , Marjan Petkovski, Jasmina Vasileva, Filip Nikolovski

Upstart Theatre: Tom Mansfield; Duncan Grimley; Denise Norton, Eddie Nelson, Eleanor Lawson, Gordon Elcock, Jan Lane, Jane Winder, Kerry Frater, Linda Hisgett, Melanie Distin, Niamh Elcock, Sharon Walcott & Toqueer Quyyam; Hannah Tookey; Emma Sampson; Nicole Sawyerr; Rochi Rampal; Edward Beidas, Despina Kourla, Edwina Turner, Emma Bangham, John Flynn, Peter Harrison; Zodwa Nyoni; Astrid Behrens; Claire Browne; Sherry Coenen; Duncan Grimley; Lucy Wild; Emily Davies; Alex Boucher; Clive Meldrum, Dan Hoole & Dee Smith

Program coordinator: Edith Draxl
