Igor & Ivan Buharov
Most of the souls that live here
Örök szándékmező hangolás (Eternal intentionfield tuning)
Installation, Performance, Film / Commissioned work

Igor & Ivan Buharov, Örök szándékmező hangolás (Eternal intentionfield tuning), 2018, installation and performance, steirischer herbst, photo: Liz Eve
Performance: 21.9.18, 21:30
Volkshaus Graz
Production specifics
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst
With the kind support of ERSTE Foundation
The revolution of the animals was a failure, so now it’s time for a revolution of plants—if we take Igor and Ivan Buharov’s word for it, that is. This duo of artists-filmmakers-musicians from Budapest, known for their surrealistic, often hilarious films, presents an extraordinary new project for steirischer herbst that combines installation and performance. They turn Volkshaus, the Graz headquarters of the Communist Party of Austria, into an anarchist laboratory of the revolution-to-come, where interspecies exchange will finally be achieved. Plants have the most widespread and nuanced networks of communication, the artists claim, and therefore in times of mass surveillance, they may well be our best allies in seeking out new channels for secure communication and data transfer. Drawing on extrasensory practices as well as theories of bioenergetics and electromagnetics, the Buharovs deploy a dizzyingly broad range of transcultural references—from obsidian mirrors, used as tools of divination in Mesoamerican cultures, to esoteric western inventions such as the Tesla disk. The installation is kicked off by a surrealistic audiovisual performance developed together with the Buharovs’ closest associates, a multitalented cast of artists, musicians, and performers from Hungary. Alongside their new work, a video installation at Volkshaus features their recent Most of the souls that live here (2016). Here, avid viewers can discover more about how the revolution of the animals went wrong, in what the artists themselves describe as a “psychedelic crypto-anarchist-buddhist, necrorealist propaganda film.”
Igor & Ivan Buharov, Most of the souls that live here (2016)
Directed and written by: Igor & Ivan Buharov; Camera: Marcell Rév; Music: Ivan Buharov; Sound: Tamás Zányi; Cast: Illés Nyitrai, Domonkos Szabó, Péter Durst, Szabolcs Hajdu, Orsolya Török-Illyés a.o.
Igor & Ivan Buharov, Örök szándékmező hangolás (Eternal intentionfield tuning) (2018)
Installation and performance
Artistic concept: Igor & Ivan Buharov
Artistic collaborator: Csaba Vándor
Performers: Miklós Paizs, József Szolnoki, Csaba Vándor, Szabolcs Vereb, László Horváth, Szabolcs Hajdu, Orsolya Török-Illyés, Gergely Kovács, Viktória Monhor, Hermina Fátyol, Iringó Réti
Translation: Linn Löffler (German), Daniel Nashaat (English)
Project partner: Institute of Biology, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz (Division of Plant Sciences)
Special thanks: Dr. Christian Berg, Dr. Ursula Brosch, JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft, Natalie József, René Michalski, österreichische Naturschutzjugend, Ferenc Pusztai, Dr. Christian Scheuer, Franz Wruss, Nicole Wruss
