Otto M. Zykan
Theater für ein Opernhaus
Music Theater / Opera / Premiere

Otto M. Zykan, Auszählreim, steirischer herbst 1986, photo: Veit

Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer and Otto M. Zykan in Otto M. Zykan, Auszählreim, steirischer herbst 1986, photo: Veit

Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer, Otto M. Zykan, and Hans Holzmann in Otto M. Zykan, Auszählreim, steirischer herbst 1986, photo: steirischer herbst Archiv / Philipp
Additional dates:
15.10., 16.10., 17.10.1986
Oper Graz
Production specifics
Auftragswerk des steirischen herbst
In Zusammenarbeit mit den Vereinigten Bühnen
Weitere Aufführungen: Wiener Festwochen / ORF
The “Serenity of Failure”, which begins with the creation (and will certainly last until the exhaustion of the world) is the central theme and predicament of the 30 scenes and pictures of this piece, which sees itself as a “theatre for an opera house”. Gestic torrents of words and meaning, normally rather confined to the realm of theatre, concur with musical forms of expression, only to be found in operas or musicals. During major parts of the piece the categories ACTING, LANGUAGE and MUSIC rank equally side by side. Through the mutual approach and interaction of these form a structurally “different musical theatre” shall become perceptible and conceivable in the relevant phases of the piece.
Composer: Otto M. Zykan
Libretto: Otto M. Zykan
Musical director: Wolfgang Bozic
Choreography: Peter Wissmann
Set design: Hans Hoffer
Costumes: Gera Graf
Choir rehearsal: Ernst Rosenberger
Pantomime / Clown: Walter Bartussek
Singers: Ernst-Dieter Suttheimer, Hans Holzmann, Otto M. Zykan, Susanne Rille, Peter Wissmann, Nina Schnepf, Uta Poduschka, Heinz Brunner, Max Konecnik, Frau von Stein, Fran Lubahn, Ildiko Szönyi, David Sundquist, Manfred Hemm
Choir: Chor der Oper Graz
Orchester: Grazer Philharmonisches Orchester
