50 Jahre, 5 Knotenpunkte

Ein Audiowalk mit sinnlichen Erlebnissen
Public space, Participate


Geführter Audiowalk
24.09.2017, 01.10.2017 &08.10.2017, 14.00
30.09.2017, 07.10.2017 &14.10.2017, 11.00
Treffpunkt: Festivalzentrum
Individueller Audiowalk
24.09. – 14.10.2017
Mi – So 10.00 – 16.00
Bitte bringen Sie als Einsatz für Begleitmaterial einen Lichtbildausweis mit.
Eine Anmeldung ist nicht erforderlich.


A city walk with a difference: experience the city of avant-garde art as never before, digitally and analogue, with your eyes, ears and taste buds – individually and in a group.

Drawing on fifty years of steirischer herbst, you will get selected insights into our archive and the “herbst fragments” app. Listen to concert sounds that have long died away, be enchanted by legendary theatre productions, and feel for yourself the uproar created by many a once scandalous installation. You may even be surprised by some unexpected encounters with history made visible once again.

All you need is your smartphone and a bit of time – say, two hours. It doesn’t matter whether you’d like to have this experience spontaneously, on your own, or on a guided tour in a group: your walking kit is ready and waiting for you to pick it up.
