DJ Nigga Fox / DJ Firmeza / Nidia Minaj
Noite Príncípe
14.10.2016, ab 21:30
22:00 DJ Nigga Fox (AO), DJ Firmeza (PT), Nidia Minaj, DJ (PT)
Orpheum Extra
Part of
club panamur
With its young DJs, the Lisbon-based label Príncípe Discos creates new sounds and a rhythmic compulsion to dance.
Batida is the sound of Lisbon’s suburbs – an unsuspected cross between the polyrhythms of Angolan Kuduro, Afro-House, Tarraxinha and European club music; a complex hybrid full of variety that shakes off the shackles of monotonous techno and guarantees all-night dancing. And yet Batida is more than a style of music, it is the driving force behind a new sense of community and identity in the outlying districts and an expression of a new, global understanding of club culture in and beyond Lisbon. The openness with which a young generation of producers and DJs has created this seemingly totally new sound, has catapulted it onto the favourite lists of music magazines and onto DJ turntables from Berlin to Mexico City. Radiohead singer Thom Yorke is a fan, and the London-based Warp label paid tribute to the scene with a special series of publications.
Performing at the festival are three protagonists of the Lisbon Príncípe Discos label, the incubator of the scene. Born in the 1990s, they represent the latest incarnation of this phenomenon but at the same time three very individual interpretations of the new sound: Nidia Minaj, not quite twenty years old, is a master of the fast rhythms, and has recently begun to experiment with gruffly distorted sounds. DJ Firmeza is regarded as technically versed and mainly plays his own drum-driven music. DJ Nigga Fox, finally and quite aptly called his debut album “O Meu Estilo” – “My Style” –, developing a truly unique sound between forest idyll and synthesiser.
Ensemble / Gruppe / Band: Príncípe Discos
Musikerin / Musiker: DJ Firmeza
Musikerin / Musiker: DJ Nigga Fox
Musikerin / Musiker: Nidia Minaj