Jorge E. López
1914/2014: Gebirgskriegsprojekt revisited
Concert, Film screening
Einführung mit Martin Adel (AT) um 20.30
Part of
musikprotokoll 2014
Nature and the wilderness phenomenon have inspired the compositions of the Cuban-American-Austrian composer Jorge E. López for many years. The overwhelming dimension of nature and human driving forces clash recurrently in his works – in dream-like, sometimes nightmarish enactments.
His mountain warfare project premiered at musikprotokoll in 2003, a pre-recorded orchestra in eight-channel spatial movement, including a specially conceived video, which took us to a site of clashing too – the mountain warfare front of the First World War in and around the Dolomites. Environmental sounds and mountain images, orchestral sounds and historical film footage are the main components of the multimedia piece. In the anniversary year 2014, the new “back to the future - musikprotokoll revisited” series offers the opportunity to see and hear López’s opulent, impressive piece once more.
Komponistin / Komponist: Jorge E. López
Orchester: Klangforum Wien