Dewey Dell
Performance / Premiere
In japanischer und englischer Sprache
Talk im Anschluss an die 3. Vorstellung
Production specifics
Produktion Dewey Dell
Koproduktion steirischer herbst, BUDA Kunstencentrum (Kortrijk) für NEXT International Festival &
Centrale Fies (Dro)
Mit Unterstützung durch Tanzfabrik Berlin & Universität Zagreb - Studentenzentrum - Culture of Change
Dewey Dell ist Teil von Fies Factory / Centrale Fies
The scene is thought as a space far away from the real one. It is like a crater caused by the impact of a meteorite millions of years ago. As if through a microscope, or as if through a telescope, we look at the people who inhabit this crater as they move around like microbes or like planets. Even if we know we are looking at someone so far away, we can understand they are very similar to ourselves. They seem to live a story which reflects the impact which the space suffered a long time ago.
We look upon this drama from Earth and the vast space that separates us from this spectacle also stretches time. We cannot place the action, nor associate it with a particular era. If the people from the crater could look at us, they would see only a prehistoric Earth populated by dinosaurs. And then March arrives in this world. March has forever been the month of war: winter withdraws and spring gives the signal to return to the battlefield.
Since 2007 the Italian artists’ collective Dewey Dell have been developing their works of dance which create impressive, captivating moods and spaces thanks to the perfect interplay of choreography, costumes, light and music. For “Marzo” they also work together with the theatre maker and playwright Kuro Tanino and the Japanese drawing artist Yuichi Yokoyama. Yokoyama, whose drawings combine coolness with a depth of space and time unusual for comics, is responsible for the costumes.
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Dewey Dell
Kuratorin / Kurator: Kuro Tanino
Kostüme: Yuichi Yokoyama
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Eugenio Resta
Lichtregie: Eugenio Resta
Musik: Black Fanfare
Musik: Demetrio Castellucci
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Agata Castellucci
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Teodora Castellucci
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Eugenio Resta
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Enrico Ticconi
Choreografie: Teodora Castellucci