Konzert im Werk
Out of Graz, Concert
Scher-Halle der Böhler Bleche GmbH
Part of
muerz werkstatt
Heinz Karl Gruber, the composer, conductor and chanson-singer, is responsible for the concert in the factory.
The opera ”der herr nordwind” with a libretto by H.C. Artmann was first performed at the Zurich Opera, on June 12, 2005. In Mürzzuschlag he will conduct the ensemble ”Die Reihe”. We will hear three works by Kurt Weill, whom Gruber greatly admires. Then Gruber´s ”Frankenstein!”, texts by H. C. Artmann, will be performed. Artmann and Gruber were companions for decades. In the second part, the kunsthaus ensemble directed by Ernst Smole will play Hanns Eisler´s orchestra-suite No. 4 from the soundtrack of the film ”Die Jugend hat das Wort”.
In Magnitogorsk Eisler visited an industrial combine. The impressions he won there he turned into a classical composition of so-called machine-music (”Maschinenmusik”), which suits the atmosphere of the workshop of a steel factory.
Musikalische Leitung: Heinz Karl Gruber
Ensemble / Gruppe / Band: die reihe
Komponistin / Komponist: Kurt Weill
Komponistin / Komponist: Kurt Weill
Komponistin / Komponist: Kurt Weill
Komponistin / Komponist: Heinz Karl Gruber
Autorin / Autor, Text: H.C. Artmann
Ensemble / Gruppe / Band: Kunsthaus Ensemble
Musikalische Leitung: Ernst Smole
Komponistin / Komponist: Hanns Eisler