fin de partie

Buchpräsentation, Konzert, Fest
Concert, Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention, Presentation



A three-part evening party to round off steirischer herbst 2005.

7 p.m.

The presentation of the "herbstbook of pictures 2000 to 2005, im spiegel" takes a look back at the future of the festival with photos by the Stuttgart-based artist A.T. Schaefer.

8 p.m.

The concert by Klangforum Wien, conducted by Beat Furrer, focuses on a music of a future well founded in the here and now.

Hanspeter Kyburz: Parts

Giacinto Scelsi: Anahit


Salvatore Sciarrino: Archeologia del telefono

Beat Furrer: nuun

Afterwards, everybody is welcome. Celebrating together will bring us out into the open with all our friends.

Komponistin / Komponist: Beat Furrer
Komponistin / Komponist: Giacinto Scelsi
Komponistin / Komponist: Hanspeter Kyburz
Komponistin / Komponist: Salvatore Sciarrino
Ensemble / Gruppe / Band: Klangforum Wien
Musikalische Leitung: Beat Furrer
Musikerin / Musiker: Gunde Jäch-Micko
Musikerin / Musiker: Ernesto Molinari
Musikerin / Musiker: Marino Formenti
Musikerin / Musiker: Mathilde Hoursiangou
