Hannah Hurtzig / Mobile Akademie
Flight Case Archiv

Erzählungen von Orten, Städten und Territorien


Festivalzentrum im Stadtpark

The ”Black market for useful knowledge and non-knowledge” at steirischer herbst 2007 was the talk of the town for months: a hallucinatory adult education centre with one hundred experts, where knowledge, life/survival strategies changed hands in a non-institutional manner.

For more than ten years, Hannah Hurtzig’s Mobile Academy has been developing different narrative formats of knowledge transfer; since 2004, these discussions have led to the creation of film and sound archives on the subject of ”Narratives of places, cities and territories”. These more than six hundred expert discussions, dialogues and lectures are now coming to Graz in the form of a mobile ”Flight Case Archive” designed by raumlaborberlin. Hundreds of hours of virtuoso thought; an oasis of retreat and reflection amidst the hustle and bustle of the festival.

Konzept / Idee: raumlaborberlin
Konzeption: Benjamin Baldenius-Foerster
Konzeption: Florian Stirnemann
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Werkbau Berlin
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Weltformat.Design Berlin
Konzept / Idee: Hannah Hurtzig / Mobile Akademie
