Workshop I: Demon Air Nike Stan Smith Exorcism
Virtuosität als Arbeitsweise
Workshop / Animation
In englischer Sprache
Festivalzentrum im Stadtpark
Part of
herbst-Akademie 2010
Production specifics
Kopräsentation NXTSTP, unterstützt durch das Kulturprogramm der Europäischen Union
This workshop quite simply turns virtuosity against itself: for we do not want to be healed, do not want to be freed of our compulsive behaviours. We want the demons to work for us, corrupt our bodies, and undermine all reason. Virtuosity has become a ritual, but in fact it should be seen as a method of working that turns life itself into a productive factor.
It is a romantic conception of virtuosity that this workshop follows. A virtuosity that operates on the peripheries of the discourses, thus gaining its own sovereignty. Theoretical undertakings will be part of the workshop, but the focus is on a practical, creative project that cuts the ground from under the masterpiece and creates a new one between motion and sound.
Konzept / Idee: Marten Spangberg
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Sven-Olov Wallenstein