Dan Perjovschi
Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention

Festivalzentrum im Stadtpark
Everything can be the subject of a drawing by Romanian artist Dan Perjovschi: local things, global things, politics, culture, the ash cloud, the economic crisis, the eurozone, morning coffee, big brother society, east and west – he circles the theme of the steirischer herbst festival from every imaginable angle, a virtuoso himself, a master and bricoleur. Everything is used, there are no mistakes in his blend of cartoon, graffiti and Art Brut. But there is irony and humour; empathy instead of cynicism.
For Dan Perjovschi, whose work is on show at almost all of the world’s major museums and biennials, and who contributed to last year’s Marginal Notes at steirischer herbst, every image is equally important. He juxtaposes everything – in this case on the glass front of the festival centre at Forum Stadtpark, which he works on live, for everyone to see. He repeats, reinvents, improvises, jazzes. He celebrates the free space as a platform for freedom of expression, intellectual attitude and criticism. He is a researcher, a reporter, an artist. He draws.
Künstlerin / Künstler / Gruppe: Dan Perjovschi