Zweite Welt

Abroad, Exhibition


„Zweite Welt“ wird ergänzt durch zwei Satelliten-Ausstellungen in der Galerija Nova, Zagreb
17.6. - 25.7.2011 (Mit Nevin Aladag, Tamar Guimarães, Daniel Knorr, Chan-Kyong Park, Marko Tadic)
15.9.- 18.11.2011 (Mit Tom Nicholson, Maha Maamoun, Mona Marzouk, Isa Rosenberger)

Galerija Nova, Zagreb, festivaldistrikt Mariahilferstraße, Galerie Zimmermann Kratochwill

Production specifics
Auftragswerk steirischer herbst

Realisiert durch eine Sonderförderung des Landes Steiermark Kultur

Mit Unterstützung durch die Allianz Kulturstiftung & Erste Foundation

Projektsponsor Legero Schuhfabrik GesmbH

Second Worlds: in which the past had different consequences and the future does not depend on the present. Parallel worlds, possible worlds, impossible worlds, ideal worlds. Worlds apart, worlds connected. The programme invokes the unrealised possibilities haunting our present day, as well as the realistic dangers that could wipe out any conceivable future.

The notion of another world has become largely apocalyptic – a world in the wake of an unimaginable natural disaster, for example, or a human-induced self-destruction with capital as the sole survivor. The geopolitical construction of a second world from the Cold War era, that for decades euphemistically sought to conceal the dark chasm between the First and Third Worlds with the illusion of progress that would, sooner or later, embrace all people, has gone out of fashion. But the inequalities and divisions that it manifested have continued to grow. Only the ideology of economic growth has superseded that of progress.

This year’s herbst exhibition – conceived by the Croatian curator collective WHW, who were, amongst other things, responsible for the Istanbul Biennial 2009 – uses the potential of possible and impossible second worlds as a projection surface for an imaginary and political change of perspective – but still firmly rooted in the geopolitical reality of our time.

Künstlerin:innen: Jumana Emil Abboud, Yael Bartana, Nemanja Cvijanovic, Marcelo Expósito, Verónica Iglesia, Decolonizing Architecture Art Residency / DAAR, Ruben Grigorian, Bouchra Khalili, Daniel Knorr, Tom Nicholson, Maha Maamoun, Mona Marzouk, Chan-Kyong Park, Lala Rascic, Marko Tadic
Kuratorinnen: WHW What How & for Whom
