William Forsythe
I don't believe in outer space
Dance / Ballet / Austrian premiere

Talk im Anschluss an die 2. Vorstellung
Production specifics
The Forsythe Company wird gefördert durch die Landeshauptstadt Dresden und den Freistaat Sachsen sowie die Stadt Frankfurt am Main und das Land Hessen. Sie ist Company-in-Residence im Festspielhaus Hellerau in Dresden und im Bockenheimer Depot in Frankfurt am Main.
Mit besonderem Dank an Frau Susanne Klatten für die Unterstützung der Forsythe Company.
He is one of the most influential choreographers of our age, and has reinvented dance like almost no other. But above all, William Forsythe is also constantly reinventing his own work, consistently dispensing with the tried and tested, challenging the audience as much as he challenges himself. In search of new formats and possibilities, his works in recent years have increasingly moved away from large frontal stage formats towards installation-style, often ambivalent spaces of movement, sound and speech in which the audience take up their position through their own associations.
The Forsythe Company is now coming to Graz for the first time – with a very personal piece that is pessimistic and comic at the same time: defiant words from disco classics run through the evening like a red thread; the other texts are also for the most part set pieces from pop culture that Forsythe – for whom language is as much choreographic material as movement – places in changing, disturbing contexts. It is about death and faith, people, love, recognition and cognition. What remained, what remains, what was, or will never be. Last things. The universe.
Every single evening the eighteen phenomenal dancers and performers, all of them outstanding as soloists and as an ensemble, balance on the verge of disaster, the abyss, with dark humour - live directed by William Forsythe. Virtuoso bodies that come together to create freakish scenes. Beyond, the boundlessness of the universe. If you believe in it.
Konzept / Idee: William Forsythe
Regie: William Forsythe
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: William Forsythe
Musik: Thom Willems
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Niels Lanz
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Dietrich Krüger
Kostüme: Dorothee Merg
Lichtregie: Tanja Rühl
Lichtregie: Ulf Naumann
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Freya Vass-Rhee
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Yoko Ando
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Cyril Baldy
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Esther Balfe
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Dana Caspersen
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Katja Cheraneva
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Amancio Gonzalez
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Josh Johnson
Tänzerin / Tänzer: David Kern
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Fabrice Mazliah
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Roberta Mosca
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Tilman O´Donnell
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Nicole Peisl
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Christopher Roman
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Jone San Martin
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Yasutake Shimaji
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Elisabeth Waterhouse
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Riley Watts
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Ander Zabala
