Gaetan Bulourde / Olivier Toulemonde
Not every object used to nail is a hammer
Performance, Exhibition / Premiere in German-speaking countries

In englischer Sprache
Talk im Anschluss an die 2. Vorstellung
Festivalzentrum im Stadtpark
Production specifics
Produktion Huis Aan De Werf (Utrecht)
What is skill? What is good, what is bad? Fluxus artist Robert Filliou provided a simple and yet complicated answer to this in 1969, an answer that reduced the possibilities of criticism to absurdity: Well done = badly done = not done. He made three objects out of a red sock and a yellow box, one good, one bad, and one he didn’t make at all. Together, all three created a new, well-done object – which, in turn, he juxtaposed with another badly done and not-done object, which, for him, created yet another new, well-done object, and so on. Eventually, lack of space prevented him from producing any more, increasingly large well-done art.
The French performers, musicians and visual artists Gaëtan Bulourde and Olivier Toulemonde transfer this principle to objects that consist of a hammer, three nails and a board, but above all they place the emphasis on the creation of the works that – as a performance – becomes a work itself. And the sound created while making art becomes concrete music.
Because the exhibition becomes a performance and the per¬formance becomes an exhibition, every single step, be it done well, badly or not at all, can equally be assessed well, badly or not at all. In Filliou’s words: An artist should be good-for-nothing in order to be good at everything.
Konzept / Idee: Gaetan Bulourde
Konzept / Idee: Olivier Toulemonde
