Showcase Beat Le Mot
C-O-M-M-U-N-E - der blutige Mai
Performance / Austrian premiere

Talk im Anschluss an die 2. Vorstellung
Next Liberty Jugendtheater
Production specifics
Produktion Showcase Beat Le Mot
Koproduktion steirischer herbst, Hebbel am Ufer (Berlin) & Kampnagel Hamburg
Gefördert durch den Regierenden Bürgermeister von Berlin – Senatskanzlei – kulturelle Angelegenheiten und die Freie und Hansestadt Hamburg, Behörde für Kultur, Sport und Medien
The revolution is an image machine: since the end of the eighteenth century, expansive battle paintings have had their day – replaced by portrayals of historic moments that resolve situations of war and cast the brief moments of anarchy within a mould. Fateful necessity and inevitability, that is their message. Concrete events converge with their history and their consequences and become a metaphor that melodramatically exaggerates the political and social constraints. The idea of the portentous, all-decisive moment lives on today in comic culture and documentary photography.
”PARIS 1871 BONJOUR – C-O-M-M-U-N-E” is the last instalment of a trilogy dealing with failed revolutions. The rebellion and siege of Paris in 1871 becomes a representation that fails just like the revolution failed. Its only victory was in the form of the images that it pieced together so as to give meaning to the torn bodies, destroyed visions and forgotten fates after the fact.
The Berlin performance group Showcase Beat Le Mot, who prefer to be compared with a band so as to distinguish themselves from the working structures of municipal theatres, go about a consciously pathos-laden act of creation, with their accustomed anarchical forcefulness, in which the dreariness of the days of chaos is divided into mute light and noisy darkness.
Choreografie: Showcase Beat Le Mot
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Showcase Beat Le Mot
Kostüme: Showcase Beat Le Mot
Musik: Einzelkind
Musik: Miguel Ayala
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Olaf Nachtwey
