Lola Arias
Mi Vida Después (Mein Leben danach)
Theater / Austrian premiere

In spanischer Sprache mit deutschen Übertiteln
Talk im Anschluss an die 2. Vorstellung
Donnerstag 15.10.2009
Lola Arias & Ulises Conti
Festivalzentrum im Orpheum
Production specifics
Koproduktion steirischer herbst, Complejo Teatral (Buenos Aires), Zürcher Theater Spektakel, International Summer Festival Kampnagel (Hamburg), Noordezon Performing Arts Festival & Grand Theatre Groningen
Mit Unterstützung durch BIT Teater Garasjen, Spielart Festival & Goethe-Institut Buenos Aires
Carla, born in 1976, was named after her father Carlos – he died in the resistance four months before her birth. The only thing of his that is left to her is his final letter to her mother which she managed to save by hiding it in a puppet during the dictatorship. Vanina was born in 1974, in the year of Perón’s death. Her grandfather was a policeman, her father claimed that he was a representative for a pharmaceuticals company, but in fact he worked for the secret service. Only at the age of twenty-eight did she realise that her brother is not really her brother but rather the son of a dissident who had been tortured to death: Her father had stolen him because her mother could not have any more children. Blas’s father, on the other hand, was a priest, who exchanged the cassock for civilian trousers, fathering a total of six children. He believed in God, not in politics.
And so the stories of the generation of thirty-somethings’ in Argentina are different and similar – their parents stand as shadows behind them. With the aid of photos, letters, tapes and memories, six actors try to reconstruct their parent’s youth, put on their clothes and represent scenes from the past in order to understand something for the future.
The Argentinean author, director and actor Lola Arias (who featured at steirischer herbst 2007 with her “Love is a Sniper” trilogy) condenses these true personal stories into a poetic, harsh and yet confident evening of theatre: What kind of life did our parents have, into which we were born – what will our future life be like?
Regie: Lola Arias
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Igor Blas Arrese
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Liza Casullo
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Carla Crespo
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Vanina Falco
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Pablo Lugones
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Mariano Speratti
Schauspielerin / Schauspieler: Moreno Speratti da Cunha
Musik: Ulises Conti
Bühnenbild, Ausstattung, Raumgestaltung: Ariel Vaccaro
Choreografie: Luciana Acuna
Lichtregie: Gonzalo Córdova
Kostüme: Jazmín Berakha
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Marcos Medici
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Sofia Medici
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Gustavo Kotik
