Gerhard E. Winkler

Concert / Premiere



Part of
musikprotokoll 2005

Production specifics

Auftragswerk steirischer herbst

The principal gesture of Sphaira resembles a kind of ”bursting continuum”.

As a continuum that is constantly bursting or as continuous bursting: the existential yearning of humankind for order, cohesion and security is faced with an inconsistent reality that is marked by disasters and that nests, folds and reproduces itself in complex diversity.

In his three-part work ”Spheres”, Peter Sloterdijk recently traced the evolution of these conflicts from ”microspheric” entities to global and metaphysical concepts, defining the contemporary portrayal of our existence as ”foams”, grounded as a life form and surrounded by a ”theory of co-fragile systems”.

This music is overarched by three levels of text, sung by three ”sphere-goers” – coloratura soprano, mezzo soprano and chansonnier baritone – that deal with moments of revolutionary change in the (self) perception of man.

Komponistin / Komponist: Gerhard E. Winkler
Musikalische Leitung: Johannes Kalitzke
Sängerin / Sänger: Walter Raffeiner
Sängerin / Sänger: Angelika Luz
Sängerin / Sänger: Annette Elster
Musikerin / Musiker: Wolfgang Zuser
Musikerin / Musiker: Markus Deuter
Musikerin / Musiker: Bernhard Zachhuber
Musikerin / Musiker: Gerald Preinfalk
Musikerin / Musiker: Anders Nyqvist
Musikerin / Musiker: Andreas Eberle
Musikerin / Musiker: Hannes Haider
Musikerin / Musiker: Annette Bik
Musikerin / Musiker: Andrew Jezek
Musikerin / Musiker: Andreas Lindenbaum
Musikerin / Musiker: Alexandra Dienz
Musikerin / Musiker: Helmut Jasbar
Musikerin / Musiker: Lukas Schiske
Musikerin / Musiker: Björn Wilker
Musikerin / Musiker: Berndt Thurner
Musikerin / Musiker: Florian Müller
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Peter Böhm
Orchester: Klangforum Wien
