Public space

Grazer Stadtgebiet
Production specifics
Kooperation FM4, Universität Graz, DIAGONALE
At various sites around the centre of Graz, passers-by will unintentionally listen in on phone conversations. No one knows why, but suddenly they will be confronted with a voice. A private phone conversation is transmitted as a result of a switching error or perhaps frequency interference due to the autumn weather. If someone hears all of the calls at the various locations – which is impossible for purely physical reasons – he would have the whole story. But in this case half the story is the whole story, or only a part of it, and who ever had the whole story.
Konzept / Idee: Freunde der Realität
Autorin / Autor, Text: Ann Cotten
Autorin / Autor, Text: Georg Gartlgruber
Autorin / Autor, Text: Astrid Gostner
Autorin / Autor, Text: Hannes Heller
Autorin / Autor, Text: Ursula Hübner
Autorin / Autor, Text: Peter Illetschko
Autorin / Autor, Text: Bina Klingler
Autorin / Autor, Text: Günther Klingler
Autorin / Autor, Text: Marie Kreutzer
Autorin / Autor, Text: Björn Kuhligk
Autorin / Autor, Text: Thomas Kussin
Autorin / Autor, Text: Wolfgang Kühnelt
Autorin / Autor, Text: Jörg Meixner
Autorin / Autor, Text: Anita Moser
Autorin / Autor, Text: Gisela Müller
Autorin / Autor, Text: Wolfgang Pollanz
Autorin / Autor, Text: Angelika Reitzer
Autorin / Autor, Text: Kathrin Röggla
Autorin / Autor, Text: Werner Schandor
Autorin / Autor, Text: Annette Sonnewend
Autorin / Autor, Text: Wolfgang Straub
Autorin / Autor, Text: Tina Uebel