Theater im Bahnhof
Nicht einmal Hundescheiße.
Eine minimalistische Bürgerchoreographie
Public space / Premiere

NachRede 7.10.2005
Sorger-Park, Citytower
Production specifics
The master looks just like his field.
Lovely citizens nicely planted in a row in such a lovely spot.
A special field: not even dog shit.
“Not even dog shit” is an action is the public space in which the public must hide in order to take part. For all of the participants in this action – the actors, the field, the power pole – do not like people looking in from the outside, cannot bear attention.
An action that happens so inconspicuously for all to see that you need someone to point it out so that you can see it. But when you do see it, you get the chance to see a hidden microcosm, the last vestige of untouched city.
A field, a tree, pansies, two benches, wastepaper basket, a pointless high hedge, an equally pointless low hedge, a power pole, a fuse box, a hydrant, an illuminated advertising column.
Two very busy roads frame the scene. They serve a protective function. Because of the large number of vehicles whizzing past and the noise they cause, the roads hide these nice and empty areas. And have helped preserve them.
For a few people, unspectacular citizens, people with a job, well-fed and groomed, it is a special place. For them it is something that they can understand. The insignificance of these little spots resembles their own unimportance. Here they can be publicly unimportant and no-one bothers them. A public withdrawal into the private sphere.
People blooming alongside pansies. Here they can germinate, free of weeds.
Although everyone thinks it is already extinct: Graz still exists.
Regie: Helmut Köpping
Autorin / Autor, Text: Pia Hierzegger
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Rupert M. Lehofer
Produktion: Theater im Bahnhof
Theatergruppe / Tanzkompanie: Theater im Bahnhof