Herzschritt ...dance different
Ein Tanzladen von Rubato
Event / Action / Happening / Party / Walk / Intervention

Abschlussfest mit Räumungsverkauf 15.10.2005
Palais Thienfeld
Part of
Bodies - Cities - Subjects
In post-modern cities, consumption is enacted as an event and stylised into an aesthetic pleasure. Everything seems to be for sale: not only goods but also the imaginations, emotions and social settings associated with them. Can you buy dances, like shoes, T-shirts or jewellery? Can dance, probably the most evanescent of the arts, be a commodity, a product that creates added value?
Rubato is opening a dance shop. Herzschritt offers dances; choreographies designed by Rubato and sold by professional dance teachers. What suits whom? What dance fits?
The Herzschritt project plays with the borderlines between art and consumption, art project and commercial dance studio, between customer and performer, spectator and actor.
Künstlerische Leitung: Jutta Hell
Künstlerische Leitung: Dieter Baumann
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Luis Fernando Zapata
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Mikel
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Nicole Caccivio
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Libby Farr
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Jutta Hell
Tänzerin / Tänzer: Dieter Baumann
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Dirk Bleicker
Mitwirkende / Mitwirkender: Mark Donner
Mitarbeit: Eva Rainer