Knödel, Krise, Kukuruz ... Wirtshaus Mureck
Reading, Out of Graz
Do. 14. 10. 2004
20.00 Lesung Andrea Sailer
Musik Austrofred
Ort Buschenschank Kolleritsch
Fr. 15. 10. 2004
20.00 Lesung Wolfgang Pollanz
Musik Sir Tralala
Ort Gasthaus Derwaritsch
Sa. 16. 10. 2004
20.00 Lesung Alfred Kolleritsch
Musik Der Schwimmer
Ort Gasthaus Erika
Jugend- und Kulturzentrum House, Buschenschank Kolleritsch, Mureck, Gasthaus Derwaritsch, Mureck, Gasthaus Erika, Mureck
Crisis mainly becomes evident at social places. The public house represents one of the most captivating ones functioning as a lively scene. Emotional states are performed largescale at this semi-private stage with an open yet foreseeable ending. The socio-cultural way of managing crisis resembles a tragicomic dance of characters finding their festival hall at the dance floor of the pub. Dancing is accompanied by musicians with their own interpretation of crisis. The blend of music inspired by the musician’s personal crisis as well as the visitor’s ones create a kind of inebriation turning into a dionysian and melancholical feast. Your own crisis accompanying you faithfully in this strange world is undoubtedly required. So, to your health.
Kuratorin / Kurator: Florian Arlt
Autorin / Autor, Text: Andrea Sailer
Autorin / Autor, Text: Wolfgang Pollanz
Autorin / Autor, Text: Alfred Kolleritsch
Musik: Austrofred
Musik: Sir Tralala
Musik: Der Schwimmer