Graz Museum

Graz Plakat 1920–1955 (Graz Poster 1920–1955)



Graz Museum

Part of
Parallel program 2022

Production specifics
Within the framework of Kunst der Verführung

Within the framework of steirischer herbst ’22

The exhibition Graz Plakat 1920–1955 presents designs and posters from the Graz Museum’s collection. In the mid-20th century, posters significantly shaped the look of the city and contributed to the construction of its inhabitants’ identities. Businesses and institutions based in Graz—such as the Puntigam brewery, Göc, Kastner & Öhler, Humanic, or Messe Graz—recognized the importance of advertising and commissioned both men and women artists to design commercial art. This provided them with important sources of income supplementing their work as independent artists. In addition, some also worked for political parties, designing propaganda posters. Posters were at once a medium for commerce, consumption, and political propaganda as well as a form of cultural expression that characterized their era. 

The exhibition is structured and designed to be completely inclusive: the posters and other content can be experienced via audio, tactile, and scent stations, thereby providing an inclusive offering and sensory value for every visitor.

Curators: Annette Rainer, Franziska Schurig
Project lead exhibition: Franziska Schurig
Project lead inclusion and participation: Angela Fink
Project management: Sibylle Dienesch
Exhibition design: studio-itzo
