HDA – Haus der Architektur

Veil and Promise


HDA – Haus der Architektur

Part of
Parallel program 2022

Production specifics
Within the framework of Kunst der Verführung

Supported by steirischer herbst ’22

The visual representation of buildings and urban spaces is one of the most important forms of communication in (contemporary) architecture. 

In urban contexts, these visualizations are often used for commercial purposes—usually for residential and office building construction. They decorate building site fences and hoardings and are displayed on billboards at intersections and on freeways. The presentations promise the “most beautiful apartment” or the “ideal city district.” We see images of happy people, plenty of green space and trees, fountains, children playing, and senior citizens relaxing. 

In stark contrast to this, scarce living space and rising rent and real estate costs are currently being discussed in many places. Phrases like “the sellout of the cities,” “housing as a commodity” and “concrete gold” demonstrate how, motivated by the wish for the highest possible profits, new construction projects around the world are contributing more and more to the “inhospitality of cities.” 

The exhibition Veil and Promise explores the phenomenon of real estate advertising in urban environments. Images of posters from different parts of the world by photographer Hans-Georg Esch are contrasted with texts by Reinier de Graaf of AMO/OMA, image analyses by graphic designer Rosa Nussbaum, and an installation by the artist Sven Borger.

Artists: Hans Georg Esch, Reinier de Graaf, Rosa Nussbaum, Sven Borger
