ARGE Oper im Durchbruchstal
Regina – ein Fest! (Regina—A Celebration!)
Partizipative und inklusive Schlossoper für Profis und Laien, Ein- und Ausheimische, Chor und Blasmusik (A Participatory and Inclusive Opera in the Castle for Professional and Amateur, Local and Outside Performers, Choir, and Brass Instruments)
Opera Performance
FAST Pichl—Schloss Pichl
St. Barbara im Mürztal
Part of
Parallel program 2022
Production specifics
A cooperation between Kulturinitiative Mitterdorf, FAST Pichl, Lebenshilfe Mürztal, and ARGE Oper im Durchbruchstal
Supported by steirischer herbst ’22
Regerl, the imprisoned damsel of a Mürztal saga, becomes the Queen of Diversity. Regina travels through different ages and societies, observing from different perspectives her own story as well as the associated violence, patriarchal structures, and traditional models that have been passed down with it and which hold her—and all of us—prisoner. This participatory and inclusive opera consists of seven stations (or disruptions) that the mobile audience must overcome to save the world. Regina is made up of singing, speaking, music, and celebration. Actors, singers, a band, children’s choirs, and a brass ensemble narrate and entertain, play music and celebrate, question and look not backward, but toward us—toward the present day and forward: the castle opera is a shared celebration of diversity and utopia.
Text/libretto: Angelika Reitzer, Katharina Heindl
Composition: Maria Gstättner, Laura Winkler
Director: Georg Schütky
Scenery: Atelier Nahtloskunst – ein art brut Atelier der Lebenshilfe Mürztal in cooperation with Georg Schütky
Costumes: Wieland Lemke
Voice: Fran Lubahn, Laura Winkler
Actors: Yvonne Klamant, Karin Troiss, Alexander Hölbling
Electric guitar, synthesizer: Martin Siewert
Harp: Maura Knierim
Saxophone: Joachim Hochörtler
Trombone: Harald Matjaschitz
Percussion: Bernhard Richter, Raphael Meinhart
Participants: Children’s choirs from Volksschule Wartberg, Volksschule Mitterdorf, Volksschule Veitsch, and Mittelschule Mitterdorf; Mürztaler Trachtenkapelle Mitterdorf; Werkskapelle Veitsch; Werks- und Ortskapelle “Harmonie Wartberg”; Veitschtål-Xång; Mitterdorfer Laienbühne; Lebenshilfe Mürztal