Haus lebt (House Lives)

Über die Zeit, das Unfertige und das Entstehende (On Time, the Unfinished, and the Emerging)
Temporary cultural center


Haus lebt, Temporäres Kulturzentrum

Part of
Parallel program 2022

Production specifics
Supported by steirischer herbst ’22

As part of the Haus lebt (House Lives) project, the landmark Baroque cloth cutter’s—and later baker’s—house at Michaeligasse 10 in Hartberg is being opened to the public. Over three long weekends, the house is transformed into a cultural center with an extensive program, a utopian excavation, and a Baroque courtyard with café. Following the initial opening of the house in 2021, this year’s event will be a “vertical opening.” The removal of architectural layers has revealed details and volumes from different centuries. Walk-through sculptural installations using reclaimed building materials enhance the revealed spaces. Visitors embark on a journey—not following any linear history but sweeping against the grain—through the layers of time. 

Artistic director: Simon Brugner
House adaptation: Valentin Aigner, Simon Brugner, Petra Hinterleitner, Georg Holzmann, Aki Namba, Simon Oberhammer

23.9., 17:00
eSeL (Lorenz Seidler), Kunst-Loch im Ortskern – Interaktive Comedy Gameshow mit Tiefgang (Art Hole in the Center of Town—Interactive Comedy Game Show with Depth)

24.9., 15:00
Evelyn Schlag, In den Kriegen
Reading (host: Klaus Zeyringer)

25.9., 10:00
Barbara Wonisch, Baugeschichte des Hauses Michaeligasse 10 (Architectural History of Michaeligasse 10)

25.9., 11:00
Bus tour to Hartberg
Meeting point: HALLE FÜR KUNST Steiermark, Burgring 2, 8010 Graz
(17:00: return trip, Hartberg Europaplatz (Ressavarstraße 8, 8230 Hartberg); 18:15: arrival in Graz)
Free of charge

25.9., 12:00
Simon Brugner, Michaeligasse 10: Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft (Michaeligasse 10: Past, Present, and Future)

25.9., from 12:00
Simon Brugner, Scott Clifford Evans, Sebastian Lehner, Aki Namba, Madeleine Nostitz, Marlene Nowotny, Verwilderter Pizzafrühschoppen mit DJ Akkubohrer (A Wild Late Morning Pizza Party with DJ Akkubohrer)
Courtyard party

30.9., 18:00
Leopold Toifl, Krieg und Angst formen eine Stadt – Hartberg im Mittelalter und der frühen Neuzeit (War and Fear Shape a City—Hartberg in the Middle Ages and the Early Modern Period)

1.10., 15:00
Peter Haimerl, Zukunft braucht Bestand (The Future Needs Permanence)

2.10., 15:00
Georg Petz
Reading (moderation: Klaus Zeyringer)

7.10., 14:00
Perihan Seifried, Hausgeschichten (House Stories)
Children’s tour

8.10., 15:00
Zaid Alsalame, Österreich stinkt gut (Austria Reeks Good)
Theater (director: Lena Rucker)

9.10., 15:00
Robert Menasse, Europa erzählen. Europa verändern (Narrating Europe, Changing Europe)
Reading and talk (moderation: Klaus Zeyringer)
