Isabella Forciniti / Katarina Gryvul / Aho Ssan
Spacial Adventures
Concert / Premiere
Dom im Berg
Part of
musikprotokoll 2022
Production specifics
In cooperation with SHAPE+ Sound, Heterogeneous Art and Performance in Europe
Supported by the EU’s Creative Europe program
This year, SHAPE+ artists have once again been invited to use the Ambisonics system at the Dom im Berg. Zemlya is the first piece that Katarina Gryvul composed after the outbreak of Russia’s war of aggression. It is an homage to her home country of Ukraine, and at the same time, the expression of a profound personal crisis. Her musical starting point was a recording of her own breath during a nighttime panic attack—voice is one of Gryvul’s primary instruments. A personal crisis also inspired Aho Ssan to compose his piece The Falling Man, also an homage—dedicated to a close friend who chose to take his own life five years ago. In free fall toward the abyss, the composition, which is divided into three sections, speaks of the necessity for confrontation in order to move toward a brighter future after days of darkness. And in Abluzione, the third piece of the evening, Isabella Forciniti opens a “trans-dimensional portal” to invite the audience into her sonic world. Forciniti perceives the sounds—which exist in multiple dynamic relationships to each other—as a “living organism.” Through their respective individual listening processes, the spectators become part of this organism.