Österreichische Verschwörungen
Discussion and Finissage
Schlossberghotel – Das Kunsthotel
Production specifics
Commissioned and produced by steirischer herbst ’20
(Austrian Conspiracies)
With Stephanie Krisper, Johann Skocek, Jörg Vogeltanz, and Martin Wabl
Curated and moderated by Herwig G. Höller
Despite all the groundwork done by Freud, Austria was always a relative backwater paranoia-wise. This started to change with the end of the Cold War and the general destabilization of politics in the country in its wake. Were notorious letter bombers and kidnappers really acting alone? Were the sports associations pulling the strings behind the scenes? Finally, the Ibiza affair brought the paranoia in Austria to a world-class level. Could it really be that a Viennese attorney managed to topple a sitting government all on his own? Or were foreign intelligence agencies to blame, as friends of the ex-vice chancellor Strache still suspect? Were they trying to interfere with Austria’s all-too-friendly relations with Russia?